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Spare time & Hobbies.

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Okay what do you guys do in your spare time?


I play LFS (Live for Speed) online racing simulator. I think it explains my speeding tickets. :blush: Will post a link to the main site and a picture of my computer & racing wheel & pedals setup this eve. And later I will post a small clip to show how it works. This keeps me very busy most of the time. We have a league here in South Africa and from the 30racers we have in South Africa I am 4 overall at this moment. We are still left with one event. :( LFS is very small in SA but huge in overseas.


Well that is what I do. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: splint101, at: 2007/05/15 10:43

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Hi Splint..

I would like to see those photos and clips as I am also a gamer. Currently I am a Major in BattleField 2. I am in a clan called the CREW clan. You can see our website at www.bf2crew.com I am user Venuto. Short for my last name.


I never really got into any racing sims but I do like cars. I play a little F1 for playstation 3 but that's about it..<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/15 14:05

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MARIR wrote:

Okay I feel old...Where do you find time to "play"?


Hi Marir.


Well lately.. this forum has been taking all my time up. I haven't played a video since since I started here.. Which is a good thing because I am enjoying all my new friends here.. :P

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There is some really nice people here, :) Its a great site to get some info and talk about the babies. :silly: I'm trying to make my own glass beads to use in my jewelry designs but besides this and my family, I don't have much time for anything else, My daughter has a computer game called THE SIMS2, I've tried that but its not much of a game, you build houses and have families that you have to "play" with. But give me a torch and some glass rods and I'm in heaven.

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MARIR wrote:

My daughter has a computer game called THE SIMS2, I've tried that but its not much of a game, you build houses and have families that you have to "play" with. But give me a torch and some glass rods and I'm in heaven.


OMG.. what's up with this SIMS game. My daughter Angelique can play that for hours.. I wonder what's really going on in that game..:unsure:

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Guest Monique

I love the SIMS game!!! :) Right now I'm playing Elder Scrolls Oblivion. Since it is so nice out and I live in South Dakota (where it is nice for about 60 days of the year :) ) I retire the games during this weather and enjoy doing more outside things. I like gaming, watching movies, reading books, boating, 4-wheeling, taking care of and playing with my FIDs and animals of course!!!!, playing softball, dance class, and jogging.

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well, CeasarsDad, it is addicting, you get involved in the "lives" of the Sims people, you create the families, build the houses, communities, and then you make the characters do what you want them to do...there is no nudity or anything like that but your Sims can "make babies, get pregnant and the bellies grow," my 13 yr old likes this game also, but the time is limited on the computer.

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Video games! I love them! I just finished playing Cooking Mama on the Wii, and will start Bully on the PS2 once it gets here (I have a GameFly subscription). I'm also playing Phoenix Wright on the DS, and play the Sims a bit. I just finished setting up a little home theatre, so gaming (and movie watching) has gotten pretty good.


I used to have a driving wheel for the PS2, but I'm kind of lazy about getting out peripherals, and am low on space, so I ended up getting rid of it. Behind the couch, I've hidden 2 Guitar Hero guitars, 3 Dance Dance Revolution mats, 2 Taiko Drum Master drums, and 3 Donkey Konga congos. There is simply no more room back there :S.


Other than games, I like to read (books on animation, mystery novels, video game magazines), listen to music (because I kind of suck at playing it), play with dogs (I take my dog to the dog park a lot), and numerous other little hobbies :).

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Guest Monique

Spookyhurst what kind of dog do you have?


My kids really want Guitar Hero 2 (I swore off console games in December because we got a plasma upstairs and moved the projection downstairs and our plasma doesn't have the circulating pixels - or whatever you call it - so I can't game on it). I just can't bare to buy the game + the two Guitars ... especially knowing I can't play it ... LOL!!! I seriously try to lay off in the Summer but the Wii looks like lots of fun to me I might have to go back on my oath or make a new one come the new year in Jan again and get a Wii if they are putting out some good games.

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I don't care much for video games, but I like to read, mostly magazines now. I used to read novels, fiction, anything Steven King or the like. I like watching movies, I think I have seen most all of Steven Kings movies. The Alien and Predator movies are a favorite. I have all of them and watch each one from time to time. I like messing with houseplants and flowers. I have 3 orchids in bloom right now. I like to shop too.

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Thanks guys & girls for the comments on my racing setup for the computer. @ CD, the LCD that I am using is a 22” Wide Samsung 2ms. I love Samsung products.


Here you could read more about the LFS simulator




This is were all our stats are stored




Some news




The manual & more info




This is A licensed racers per country graph.

Licensed_racers_per_country.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: splint101, at: 2007/05/16 07:47


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Monique, I have a 9 year old Shih Tzu named Spencer. He's a good little guy, but a bit moody. He never quite recovered from Nikko moving in, and spends way too much time hiding in my parents bedroom to get away from her. They're quite jealous of each other. Also, you have got to get Guitar Hero 2. It is so much fun to have one person play bass and one person play lead!


Judy, I like Stephen King's novels, but not the movies. They're too scary, and I'm prone to an overactive imagination and nightmares :(. My favorite book by him is The Talisman, and Black House was pretty good too. I also like the book of short stories that had Apt Pupil, Stand By Me, and the Shawshank Redemption in it. Okay, I need to take back that I don't watch his movies, because I saw all 3 of those and The Green Mile. I just avoid the creepy ones, like the one with the killer clown *hides under bed*.

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I know what a few of you mean about the no spare time thing - and I have to say I curse the day I found this website - I spend FAR too much time on it! (for goodness sake, someone tell me to shut up!). At the moment the rest of my time is going into studying - I've got my final written exams in 8 weeks, and have a load of coursework to get done before then too. The rest of my time has been going in to sorting out my flat - in the last year I've had to have it re-wired, re-plumbed and re-decorated. I've just got the re-roofing and the re-pointing to go, and it'll all be finished. I'll let you know what I do with my spare time once I have some!



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