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Timmy my first Timneh Grey!!!!!!!


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Hi everyone


I am new to the world of grey. I just brought my baby timneh home 2 weeks ago. He is four months old. We have named him Timmy. My vet has asked me to continue his hand feeding even though the breeder has said he was weaned so a bit confused. Any help would be appreciated whether I should or not? Also is 260g a normal weight for a baby timneh grey? I also have two other parrot a jenday conure named pari and indian ringneck named sunny. Timmy has already started to talk and sometimes sounds like a out of tune radio....loool...He loves to hang upside down which is hilarious. i luv him to bits. I would love to know more about the toys they might like and if clicker training is any good?


Sehar xxx

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Welcome Sehar and Flock!!


It's GreYt having you here.


If Timmy accepts and wants a feeding, then by all means do so. The weight is fine for a Timneh, just weigh him daily at the same time, normally first thing in the morning after the take their first poop is preferred. This will give you a constant reading you can track and establish a good baseline of his weight.


He sounds like quite a character at only 4 months old. :-)

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Hi Sehar, I too have a new 4 month old. No name yet as I am still awaiting DNA confirmation. I call her she because, why not!! Fortunately my grey eats everything I give her; she luvs my cornbread full of vegetables and pine nuts. As for toys, she luvs foot toys and spends lots of time on her playtop and on the top of my desk. She wants to type in the worst way!!! We cuddle all the time. So glad you and Timmy have joined our family.

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We actually still give both of our greys formula every once and a while so they stay used to it. If they get sick, it is an easy way to give them meds and it is healthy for them.


Also, I am sure your vet knows best.


Sometimes baby grey will regress after leaving the breeders, and go back to formula for a short time. Timmy will tell you when he is ready for regular food.


Our famale TAG just loves when she gets formula, she gets so excited, she usually ends up covered in formula, she loves formula so much, I think she tries to take a bath in it.<br><br>Post edited by: Sallas, at: 2008/12/04 22:26

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Thank you so much everyone.....I am gonna continue giving him formulae as you said sallas they enjoy it and as my vet said he will reject it when he doesn't want it anymore. He does eat his normal food as well and loves his broccoli.


Luvparrots i hope ur enjoying your timneh as much as I am. He is just so lovely and such a entertainer. There is neva a dull moment when he is around. Every time I am back from uni he just wants me to give him a scratch and when he really wants something he whistles and talks...lol.

Casper I am gonna put up his pics up today.

danmcq i have actually starting keep a record and he has put on weight which is a good thing and i will keep a record of it.

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Hello and welcome to the forum.  Congradulations on Timmy.  I love that name:laugh:  You sound like you will make a great & responsible parront.  I think it's great that you have already taken him to the vet and keeping your own records. I'm sure Timmy will flourish under your care.I got an adult grey last July, he was 12 years when I took him home. I loved him from the start and there is still never a dull moment 5 months later. I think a grey is one of the best pet/companions us humans could ever ask for:) Can't wait to hear more about Timmy.

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Hello Sehar and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Timmy.


Yes I would continue with the hand feedings as long as he will eat it, can't hurt him and he will pick up a little more weight until he starts trying to fly then he might lose a little but he will pick that back up too.


You have come to the right place looking for advice, we have a great bunch of knowledgeable members who are more than willing to help a new owner out when they need it, all you have to do is ask.


In the meantime please read thru as many of the threads as you can for you will find lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I look forward to seeing some pictures of Timmy when you get around to posting some.

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