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i am happy to meet you. i am from Romania/Bucharest and i have 2 wonderful greys. Pappy is the boy and he is one yrs old and Maya is the girl and she is 5 month old. Maya is with us only for one month. I please ask you to help me with some advice cos Pappy is so scared when he is out in the same room with Maya. when they are in cages same room he is ok- singing, playing, eating. i have to let both out in other rooms. Pappy loves to sing and talk with Maya and he is interesting of her when she is out of the room. this problem happens in all the rooms. i mean he is not scared only in his room, his territory, he is everywhere. scared means he is shaking and sometimes he drops.

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Hiya onetteselfish,


Welcome to the forum.


So you have two greys, thats wonderful! i have three and my youngest is just a bit older than Maya.


So the greys are fine in the same room together in their cages. Do you have to let them out in another room to where the cages are kept? Are they both let out at the same time? What is it that frightens Pappy do you know? Is it when maya gets near him?



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Welcome onetteselfish, Pappy and Maya!!


It's GreYt having you here. It will take a while for the two to get comfortable with each other. I am uncertain of what you mean when you say that Pappy "Drops"?


But, if they are not attacking each other when out in the same room, your ok. It will just take time for them to become accustomed to one another. Pappy was your only Grey or Parrot and now a new intruder has come into the house and is taking away some of your time and attention I would assume. They do become jealous at times. You will just need to closely monitor their interactions as they take place to ensure neither of them gets hurt.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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thank you for your replys.

first time when they met Maya tried to approach Pappy and even they'd kiss like they gave food each other. after this when Pappy saw Maya out in the same room he tried to flee from her. they never bite or fight each other. Maya always wants to play with Pappy and follows him everywhere. the problem is Pappy. he is scared and fly around the room as crazy. sometimes he can not land in a place and fall. when i said drops i want to mean he makes poop out of fear. i let them out in different rooms.

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Hello and welcome to the forum. I think from the sounds of things that your two birds need time and space to get aquainted properly. I would keep letting them out in different rooms for now but house the cages in the same room, gradually letting them get used to one another.

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Hello Onetteselfish and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your greys, Pappy and Maya.


What lovely names for your greys, I hope you will be able to post a few pictures of them so we can admire them, we love to look at pictures here.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Sounds like Pappy is a little scared of Maya and easily frightened and Maya is the opposite, this is a good example of how they are so individual in their personality.

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thank you all for your warmly welcome.

there are so many things to learn about greys.

i have other problems too. Maya was raised by a man and therefore it is attached to the men of my house and me less. the start was difficult because she often bite me but now she comes on my hand and even kiss me twice. Maya is less at the age and weight than Pappy and more brave too. i can spend my time with both equal in different rooms cos Pappy loves very much my mother and he prefers when she is home.

now i don't have pictures with Maya but i'll put some with Pappy. i noticed differences between them like: he has gray legs and she's black, his tongue is black and she's more pink. i also noticed that Maya have dry skin on feet and cracked. sometimes i see her how is pull it out of his fingers. the skin has some swollen points when the nail ends up. can i use alore vera juice? i have this plant on my house and i can use it.

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Hello onetteselfish and welcome to you and your Greys. Do you have an avian vet who can check Maya's skin? I am very much in favor of using aloe vera myself. I would use only the clear gel because the yellow sap causes diarrhea. Do you have two different kinds of Greys, a CAG and a TAG? If so that could be the reason for the different coloring.

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Hello Onetteselfish, glad you could join us. You can put aloe vera gel on the irritated skin if you want, it might help the area.

One thing to keep in mind, since Pappy was your first bird, do things for him always first. He will feel more upset and threatened by Maya if you give her attention first. He must feel like he is still number one in your flock. I would give them more time to adjust to each other and don't rush things with them. Good luck to you!

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