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Update on the new girl in the house


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Hiya Mark,


Glad to here that baby Lola os settling in okay with you. Its still early days for learning to step up but I found it easier the younger they are. Have you discovered her favourite treat yet? When it comes to training make sure you have something to reward her with.


Have you posted photos yet?

Cant wait to see her!



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Thats good progress already. Casper gives good advice on using treats to get her to due things.


Sometimes they can be used as a distraction while you have them step up and they don't realize what they just did until it's too late. ;-)

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Hi Mark, I am so glad that you and Lola are getting along so well. My baby grey and I are still working on stepping up as well. She is such a cuddle bunny and wants to be out of her cage all the time. And eat she eats up a storm. They are such fun and the adventure has just begun. Sounds like you have having a grand time too.

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Hi Mark, thanks for the update. Sounds like everything is going well. Just curious, are you working with her & training her to step up? Others say it is too early. I've never had a baby grey so I don't know the proper age but did have to teach it to a 12 year old grey. We did training sessions of step up 3 times a day for 5 to 10 minutes each. It only took a couple days for him to understand. They learn so quickly. If you do get her perched on your hand just tell her to step up and put a little pressure on her chest, when she does it, praise her for it, then tell her to step up again and over and over and over. She will catch on in no time. I didn't try giving him treats to teach him, mainly cuz Baxter doesn't like anything enough to work for it:laugh: but treats are very recommended in training. Along with lots of praise of course;)

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New and hot off the press. Lola and I went back to the store where i bought her. She lost weight, not so good. But she and I reached a new thing. Im holding her and getting her to cuddle and quiet down on my chest. She loves to be out of the cage also. I am working with her diligently with the step up and she is starting to respond a little. When she is out of the cage on her playset i assist her up the ladder and she uses my hand for assistance. shes getting brave.

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Hiya Mark,


How much weight has she lost? What does she weigh?

If its not a lot Im sure its nothing to worry about.

Has she only just weaned? I only ask as they can lose up to 15% of body weight during the weaning process but I am sure the store gave you good advice on this.


You could always buy some gram scales youself and weigh her on a daily basis, do this after she has had her big poop each morning, this would probably be a good idea just to check she is maintaining her weight.


How is her diet? What is she eating at the moment?



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Lola went from 291gms to 241gms. she was brought home saturday and was weighed on Thursday. She didnt really eat much the first few days. She is starting to eat better now. She eats a mixture which is called premium blend. Combination of nuts,fruits and veggies. Lola is going to try some oatmeal on Saturday Morning. Im going to feed her some cooked veggies tonight when I get home.

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