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In At The Deep End!!


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Hi Folks,

I haven't been on here for ages and just wanted to let you know how Alfie is coming on.

I mentioned in one of my last posts that due to ill health, I was going to have to be leaving Alf on his own as there were many hospital visits looming.

It was my Dad who was ill and in September his health took a turn for the worse. I made the decision to move in with Mum to help her care for my Dad, and sadly he died in October.

The huge side effect of all this for me was having to leave the animals at home, but most of all, was worried about Alfie, because, although both David and I were sharing feeding and cleaning etc, Alfie was very much my boy, and it was always me who would have to put him to bed when he played up for David (occasionally)

I did have to make a couple of unscheduled visits home when Sydney (we discovered Alf has a split personality - Alfie being the sweetie pie, and Sydney being the naughty one!)absolutely refused to go to bed. But other than that, I really needn't have worried. David brought Alf up to visit us a few times, and whenever I did go home, Alf got so excited to see me, going through his entire repertoire as soon as I walked in, like he was really excited to let me hear his new words!!

I think I was dead worried as well because of all the stuff I've read about greys not liking change, but this was something we couldn't really avoid.

From when we got Alf, we did try to introduce him to new things all the time so hopefully change wouldn't freak him. We also take him out on walks with the dogs regularly, which all seemed to stand him in good stead for my little stint away.

Now I'm home again and Alfie is very much Daddies boy at the moment, I seem to be the strict one who doesn't let him get away with stuff ( and by golly is he trying at the minute!), but I think he has David wrapped around his little wing!! He's as wide as the hills and definitely plays David and I off against one and other!

I'm just so thrilled he and David are getting on, as it was touch and go for a while. David had a severe phobia of all birds when we got Alf, but we both love him to bits now.

I know everyone who has a Grey, has a really "special" bird, but I can't help but think Alf is such a star. He's been though so much these last couple of months, but he's still just as cuddly and silly and funny as ever!

The next hurdle is getting the Christmas decorations up - we started introducing one at a time last month!!


Hope you are all well.


Bye for now.


Lyn and Alfie.


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This is a wonderful post. All i've been hearing lately is people wanting to rehome their birds because there's a new crisis in there lives. We all have our ups and downs and always will. Your post will definatly help others to think about not rehoming and that bird will adapt and go through the worst of the worst with you and come out the other side just as good if not better. thank you for posting this your Alfie trully is a star.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/12/03 19:42

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Pat is right, we have heard so many stories of others wanting to rehome their birds for various reasons and your thread is a prime example of coping and doing what you have to and still maintain a happy and healthy relationship with your fids. That extra effort pays off in deep rewards and your relationship with your birds is all the better for it.


Thanks Lyn for sharing your story with us.

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Lyn, I'm sorry about your dad. No matter what age we are, when we lose a parent it leaves a huge hole. So glad you have Alfie at home to give you something else to think about, and something to make you laugh, because I believe every time you laugh it takes away a tiny bit of pain. I hope your mom's ok.


I had to go away for 6 days early in November and I had huge worries about how Dorian was doing while I was gone, and how annoyed he was going to be when I got back. Well, he was soooooo glad to see me. He was a perfect angel for a little while, and then when he figured I was sticking around he acted out for a couple of days. Had to let me know he was displeased with my absence I guess:P<br><br>Post edited by: Acappella, at: 2008/12/04 16:33

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Hi all,

Just a quick thank you to all of you who left such kind replies to my post.

I would never have dreamed of rehoming Alf during all of this - it's always a mystery to me when people give up their pets willingly! Bad enough when you lose one through circumstance, like illness or whatever, but to give one up because things get difficult, well I just don't get it.

Alf pretty much will go anywhere with us, if he is with his "flock" he's happy!

And yes, during the last couple of months I haven't felt like smiling much, but Alf is such a tonic, I just can't help laugh at his antics - hissy fits etc!

Thanks again.

We Wish you all a Merry Christmas.


Bye for now.


Lyn and Alf.


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Hi Lyn!!


Thanks for coming back and updating us. It is sad news regarding you dad and you have my condolences.


As others have said, you are to be commended for taking care of BOTH responsibilities with the utmost concern and care. Karma to you for that. :-)


It sounds like Alfie has had to grow up a little faster, due to the circumstances, but in his own way, proved he is a survivor and adaptor to any challenges that comes his way and I must also say you husband did a great job considering his fear of Parrots and getting past that also!! It's a win-win. Now you have a flock that interacts completely together and functions as they would in the wild with the flock watching out for one another.


Looking forward to hearing more from you now and getting updates on Alfie.


Best wishes to you and Family also for a Great Christmas and New Year. :-)

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I'm sorry to hear about your father and the trials you had to go through recently. I'm glad you, Alf and David were able to get through it all and remain a strong family. Sounds like the bond between Alfie and your husband is now a good one and that's really great news. I hope you all will enjoy your holidays together.

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Hi, Lyn -

Sorry to hear about your Dad. But what a nice story about Alfie.

You know, at times I start to feel resentful of Klaus (all the fuss, clean-up, feeding, watering, having to rush home, scheduling our evenings around him). Then I realize what a trouper he is. He's locked up usually 20+ hours a day. A good many of those hours there's not even anyone home or in the room with him. And yet he's a happy bird. He chatters away contentedly when we're home and keeps us entertained. We have the reward of getting to know him and learning how to take care of him. They deal with more than we give them credit for.

Thanks for reminding us that all our birds are special!

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Hi Lyn,


I am sorry to hear about your father and the trials you have had recently, but what a wonderful story about Alfie. I also lost my dad in March of this year after a year-long struggle, and my mother needs a lot of help as well, so in Max's first 16 months with us she has seen a LOT of emotion and travel and inconsistent schedules due to human emergencies. Like Alfie, she has been a complete trooper and weathered it all beautifully. Someone on here said it well: I really think that they can handle a lot as long as they perceive that their "flock" is there for them. She has even played a real part in comforting us sometimes!


Merry Christmas to you and your family and your wonderful bird!

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