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If you were wondering how Kima is??


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A week ago, I had talked to a few of you about my bird vomiting/regurgitating. He went to the vet that night and he came right back home the next day. The vet said that all his bloodwork was normal, he was still a healthy weight and he looked fine, he said that he may have just eaten something that upset his stomach, or he was just regurgitating and not vomiting. Sorry it took me so long to update you guys, I have been really busy lately. And Sunday Kima said his first word:cheer: , he said hello. He is so cute and he sounds like me. LOL:lol: Cant wait to hear what he will say next;)

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Thanks for the udate on Kimi I'm glad to hear he was just reguratating for you he obviously loves you allot and as for his first word your in for it now he'll be butting in on your conversation and giving his opinion in no time. Tyco is always answering something before I can even open my mouth she really thinks she a know it all:laugh: Who know mabie she is

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Its great to hear that Kima is in great health. It must have been frighting for you. Now that the first word has come; more will follow, how exciting!!! Please keep us updated when you can, life can be so busy, but remember your grey family is always here. Happy Holidays!!:silly:

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