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Dont know what to do

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Hey guys how u doing..Since i was a teenager i always had a intrest in birds. I just got married about a 1 month ago...and i been really wanting a grey. But after reading a few articles i feel i cant be thier for him/her.. Me and my wife work 2 full time jobs i get up at 6:00am and work till 5pm...my wife works 9:00am to 5pm...i really want to be a good owner and i really want to have a relationship with my bird...do u think me and wife both working 2 full time jobs cause any conflict in rasieing my freind. I know ill be thier for him when i get up and get back from work...iam very confused and my wife got a call from the local pet store that a family with a 1 year old grey has to give it up for adoption because thier son is allergic to it..so they are waiting for my call....please give me some advice and if i should or shouldnt own one...i love pets and know i can be a good owner.


thanx tony

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The time in the evenings and weekends with your Grey would be sufficient. Many of us work all day and spend time with our Parrots in the evenings which they all cherish.


Just ensure you have a large cage with plenty of exciting toys and foraging items to keep him happy and entertained while your both at work during the day.


It good to hear you asking the right questions before making the big decision. :-)


Also Welcome Tony!! It's GreYt having you here!!!

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GREAT! iam going to get him. I cant wait.....but i have another question...since he is going to be adopted..should i check for anything..as far as how he was raised...should i check on eating times, cause the past owners mite of feed at different times etc...i have many questions but i think this site sticky's should be enough so i guess ill be here for a long time and thanx for the welcome.

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Hi Tony,


Me and my husband both work full time and we have two greys. One is a baby and the other is 4yrs and he was rehomed with us.


It's possible for you to own a grey as long as you provide them with what they need during the day. They need sufficient space in their cage to stretch their wings, water food, toys etc!


I am glad you are asking the right questions before you make a big commitment. Me and my husband spend 4 hours after work with our greys so as long as you provide them with love and attention after work and on the weekends you should be fine.


Hope this helps!



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Congratulations on your decision.

I have a 21/2 yrs old grey (ive only had him little over a month now)and work 4 or 5 hrs a day and he is quite happy .

We are all very friendly on here so feel free to ask all questions you want .

We love pictures so try to post some as soon as you can.:)

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thanks for the warm welcomes guys really. I cant wait to pick him up tommorow or the day after...did i mention that tommorow is also my b-day...lol i guess if i get him...he can have a piece of my cake?..iam waiting for the call from the past owners..he is 1 year old and go's by the name of joey. They said they already have a huge cage, and he is all update on his check-ups at the vet..iam going to home depot today to by some wood i have a room just for him...gonna build a little swing across the room 4 him. i even have a little 19 inch tv that iam going to hook up a cable reciever just for him...i really hope everything works out for me and my wife..our home needs a little noise..ill let u know what happens.

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Hi Tony,


Welcome, good to see you making some inquiries. It sounds like you CAN provide an adequate home/attention etc to the bird. A couple of reality checks I will throw out there, particularly since I dont know much about you, experience with birds/pets etc...


Parrots are long lived animals, average over 50 yrs. Parrots can be noisey, parrots ARE messy. Parrots require LOTS of attention when you can give it. Parrots are manipulative. Parrots can test you (screaming, beeping, squawking, chewing, wrecking furniture etc). Parrots can form habits that may take YEARS for you to condition them the way you want...loads of other stuff!


All that being said, parrots are one of the most rewarding animals you can add to your family and will reward you 1000 times over if you are commited and up to it! I am not trying to discourage you, but want to provide some real things to think about. It sounds like you are very recently married (conrats BTW!!) and therefore entering a very new stage in your life. What about the future? Living conditions? Children perhaps? Changing jobs? None of us have a crystal ball, but you do need to be pretty confident that whatever happens you will be committed to your bird...it certainly will be committed and dependent on you for its entire (many decades long) life! B)<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2008/12/04 01:49

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Hello Tony and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this grey you are getting.


I think if you are willing to make the lifetime committment to owning and taking care of a grey then go for it, he may come with some baggage but if you are willing to take the time then he should be a fine addition to your family.


You are certainly going to get a little noise when you bring a grey into the home but they are generally quiet birds, they are vocal for several times during the day but otherwise are quiet.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


When you get the chance take some pictures of Joey and share them with us so we can see how lovely he looks.

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Both my husband and I work full time jobs, Mika is alone during the day but I do leave a TV on with a timer. The TV comes on about an hour after we leave and goes off 3 hours later to give him a break to play or do what ever he wants for a couple of hours then the radio on a timer comes on low till we get home. He has had this schedule 5 days a week for the last 5 months, and he is just fine with this. We do leave the cage door open all evening till his bedtime, and in the kitchen with us during dinner.

Hope this helps a little, and look forward to hearing all about Joey.


Carolyn & Mika

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Hello and congradulations on your decision. The others have given great responses to your questions and a couple of very important reality checks that really need to be considered in advance. As long as you can picture yourself 10, 20 and 30 or more years with your grey. . I do think it is good to have as much knowledge from the previous owners as possible as to what he ate, etc but he will soon get used to his new schedule with you, too. Alot of grey owners work full time and are doing great, too.


Please let us know if and when you get him and all the details:)

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Welcome here Tony, I hope everything works out and you are able to give Joey a new forever home. Greys do require a load of attention, time and effort but of course it is all worth it! I'm glad you took the time to ask our opinions about whether he could be happy with your hectic schedule.

Me and my boyfriend also work full-time but my grey seems happy enough provided he gets plenty of time out and one-on-one attention when we are home. Best of luck with Joey and let us know how it turns out.

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Well no news atm...iam a little upset...i been calling the parents of joey...and i havent got a phone call back....i hope they didnt change thier mind....or found another owner...me and my wife are pretty upset...i guess iam playing the waiting game....but iam on this site pretty much all day now...so iam still learning and i put my " Bird Room" on hold till i find out whats going on...ill keep u guys posted.

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Hi Tomy, and welcome. I hope you do get Joey. It is heart breaking when one thinks a Grey is entering one's life and then is put on hold. The only thing I can say about being owned by a Grey is it is a very long term committment even more than a marriage! Congratulations on yours and much happiness to your bride.:lol:

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