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Thanks Danmcq, Any tips on how to introduce toys to him, and also he is not happy with I mist him every other day with a mixture of water and Aloe vera. I dunno if he will just get used to it, but i am worried that if I keep spaying him, it will take longer for him to settle down and start trusting me 100%.

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Well today I had a bad experience with Maxi :( He was fine last night, but this morning, when i wife went up to him to say good morning like usual, he fluffed up and opened his beak wide open to bite her. He would let me pet him and hold him but not my wife, than my son tried to touch him and he actually bit him soo hard that it pierced his finger and drew a lot of blood :( This is the first time Maxi behaved this way, and its weird cause last night he was fine. Please help! what do I do? I have a son and 2 daughters, son is 6 years old and my daughters are 1 (twins) and barely starting to walk. So i am worried now, what if the twins stick their fingers in his cage.

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Snakeye, I have two children and neither of them handle my birds because I wouldnt trust them with them!


One of my greys gave my son a nasty bite once and I never allowed them to have contact again!


This dosent mean they cant have a relationship, my children love to talk to the greys and feed them treats when I am there, they just dont pet them and never hold them.


You are going to have to constantly supervise your youngest children as toddlers they have no concept of fear and could end up losing a finger if they put them in the cage and you are not there.


Please dont be put of by this, it can work with children and greys but the supervision has to be constantly there.


Others will give you their experiences and opinions as well, thats just what I do with my children and I feel your youngest will need to be watched very carefully near the cage.


Good luck.



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Hello Joe and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Maximus.


He does look like a very young grey, the dark eyes are a dead giveaway.


The others have given you some excellent advice and have included some links to some threads that will help you with him.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads and you are allowed to ask all the questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Maximus is a greyt looking Cag from the pictures you shared and I am sure you are in for a lifetime of happiness if you follow the suggestions of the previous posters to this thread, they won't steer you wrong.


I would have welcomed you sooner but I was on vacation but now am back to participating on a daily basis.

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Thanks Judygram, any idea at what age do their eyes start getting lighter?


The other thing is lately he has been rubbing his beak a lot on the edges of the cage or the bars of the cage, any idea what that means?


Sorry to ask too many questions and I know this thread has become to long, please let me know if I need to start another thread.


Really appreciate all the help.



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His eyes will start lightening up at any time now and it takes a while for them to finally get the light color with the black pupil.


Greys like rubbing their beaks on things, my Josey rubs hers on my clothing especially after eating, they use us as a napkin:blink: :lol: but they do rub them on hard surfaces as it helps keep the beak in fine form and it helps rub off layers of flaking that occurs from time to time.


Do not be sorry for asking so many questions, how else would you learn anything if you don't ask, no matter how silly they may seem to you believe me we have heard them all and no you do not need to start another thread unless you have some particular problem you want to discuss.


Thats what we are here for to help you with any concerns you may have and to make friends with others who share our passion for only other grey owners know how we really feel about our birds.



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