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Radar Gun


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Thought I'd share what my kids were doing this weekend. Last year, my husband (who coaches my sons baseball team, bought a radar gun to track the speed of the pitches the pitcher was throwing.

Well, since the road in front of our house is straight and the speed limit is 35. (which no-one ever does) My kids thought it would be fun to go out front and track the speed of the cars. Boy did they slow down when they saw them pointing a radar gun at them! Since we only have 1 full time cop here, and 3 part time, I thought it was great!! That's one way to take the law into your own hands. LOL :lol:

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Talon, What you found out in front of your house I see on the highway all the time. Cops are parking cars on the side of the road and making it look like they have radar traps setup. Sometimes they even have radar on so folks with radar detectors slow down. Pretty good idea if you ask me.


:P<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/15 02:31

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he he he funny stuff. It reminds of when I was younger I took a old camera appart to get hold of the flash. "Sorry that you have to hear this CD" :blush: Then I went to the side of the road in the eve and flashed all the cars from behind you should have seen them braking after the flash whent off. "It was from behind" so I would not blind them. But that is the way our speeding cameras did work a couple of years back. Then people used to warn other peeps about the camera next to the road then everybody would slow down on that section where I was sitting. :laugh: But now days they have the radar.

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