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Rikki's Flight Feathers


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Poor Rikki...she came to me unable to fly when I first got her this summer. She only had 4 flight feathers, and flying was so difficult for her. She has since lost 2 on one side. Yesterday, she tried to fly about 6 feet towards me and she crashed into the window, and then crashed onto the floor. I picked her up, she seemed okay, but was shaken up a bit. I felt so bad, all she wanted was to be on my shoulder as I was sitting at the kitchen table.( she was on her tree stand) If she would only call me, I would get her, but she doesn't.


Well, today, one of her remaining flight feathers was hanging down and it is almost out...:(

The poor thing, will she ever gain her flight feathers enough to fly? I think she never had the opportunity due to clipping as she is so clumsy when she does finally try. Before this, she would try to fly only after sheer frustration of not getting my attention, and then she would crash land and skid

across the floor on her feet....:pinch:


Does anyone know how long it takes for them to finally get all their flight feathers?<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/12/02 19:41

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Yep, 2 years on getting the flights fully back in. Dayo now has 4 flights fully in on each side and does a very good job of skillfully maneuvering and hovering in place. very impressive with only 4 flights on each side.


I feel for you and Rikki. That is so frustrating and she must have the heart of a Lion to just boldly take a true leap of faith determined that she is going to get to you.


I'm certainly glad to hear she hasn't physically damaged herself. She atleast flap with such fervor that her landing is hard, but non damaging.


Are the Flights being molted out, when you say another came out? The reason I ask, is Dayo started molting out flights about 2 months ago. It only took that short amount of time to gain 4 flights on each wing. So be encouraged!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/12/02 15:44

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She damaged her next to the last flight feather when she crashed yesterday. It is hanging all funny, but she won't let me cut it, or pull gently on it. Did you say it will take 2 years more until she will get more feathers on that one side?

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Hi Penny,


She will remove that damaged flight feather all on her own. It will bug her and you'll see her working at it. They get along fine without human intervention in most cases.


No, I stated it takes up to 2 years to have ALL Flights come back in. It just depends on Rikki's molt process and if more are damaged as this last one. They are unprotected unfortunately by supporting feathers and damage can occur easily from a hard crash or hard playing and flapping wings.


Rikki could gain them all back in a year, depending again on the molt process and damage that may occur overtime as they come in.

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My eldest grey Charlie has been growing his flights back since he lost them in February. It seems a catch 22 situation, he will grow so many but because of the lack of protection around the flights, (he also has lost his primary coverts) he has no protection around them. The slightest crash and he has lost them again.

It is going to be a lengthy process for Charlie and he has lost it seems his ability and confidence to fly.


Until then he gets a free ride off me and lots of special tlc.


I do hope Rikkis will come through ok, its a shame they all dont come through at the same time but that is expecting too much, they all grow at different rates.



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