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Hi everyone, as you are aware my Charlie turned 1 in Nov and i am so proud of her and bought her a nice toy for bday. She is talking to beautifull but a couple of days ago my neighbours daughter of 3 screethed for 10 min and now charlie cannot stop screething like her, he is doing it almost the whole day and it is starting to drive me crazy. i give special attention to her and play with her as well as talked to her almost all day so that she can see the screething has no effect on me but in the meantime it drives me crazy. This is already the 3rd day she is doing it.:(


Has anyone had the same experience and can you give me some advise how to handle this. I do not want this to become an every day thing cause i will at the end have to make a decision as i think the neightbours are also complaining about it. Please advise ;)

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You will have to ignore the behavior for if you do react to it then that is considered entertainment for him. When he has been quiet for a bit then that is when you should go to him and praise him and give him a treat so he will learn that being quiet gets him good things.


He may never stop the screeching entirely but in time he will do it less and less and that you can live with.

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I can sympathise with you about the noise but unfortunately ignoring is the only thing you can do and hopefully Charlie will soon get bored when she gets no reaction from you.


Another thing you could try is to distract Charlie in some way when she starts the schreeching!


Sometimes they can pick these things up and forget them within a week.


Why not go have a word with the neighbours and just explain what has happened, at least if you speak to them about it they should be more understanding.



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Is Charlie in a room that you can leave so she can no longer see you? If you leave the room every time she's making the noise, and you don't talk to her or come back into the room until she's quiet, she should figure out pretty fast that choosing to make that sound means she's left alone. If you can't leave the room, turn your back and don't speak to her until she's quiet, or makes a more acceptable sound. Remember, just like with a child, negative attention is still attention, and greys' love our attention and company. Even going up to the cage and saying 'no' could be seen as entertainment by her. Good luck extinguishing this sound.

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