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Thank you FairY

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Hey, come on now.. Where the heck can you go on the entire internet and get your request answered and done in just a day? Thats correct folks YOU CAN'T except here. We requested an OFF TOPIC room and quess what.. HERE IT IS..


Send FairY a PM thanking her...



I got something for you to read FairY.


What i'd give to run my fingers through your hair

Touch your lips, to hold you near

When you say your prayers try to understand

I've made mistakes, i'm just a man


When he holds you close, when he pulls you near

When he says the words you've been needing to hear

I'll wish i was him, but these words are mine

To say to you till the end of time


Bon Jovi<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/14 20:06

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Wow, CeasarsDad :blush: You make me blush :blush:


It was a good idea, so why not act upon it? B)


Thanks for the suggestion!


Making your way in the world today takes everything you've got.

Taking a break from all your worries, sure would help a lot.


Wouldn't you like to get away?


Sometimes you want to go


Where everybody knows your name,

and they're always glad you came.

You wanna be where you can see,

our troubles are all the same

You wanna be where everybody knows

Your name.


(From the tv-series Cheers) ;)

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I agree, and Judy, Spookyhurst, Ceaserdad, dblhelix, Talonsis, I am very glad we are all here. It's been an enjoyable experience here. Definately here to stay. :)


My thanks to everyone for making it such a fun place to be! You can never stop learning new things about our birdie's.

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Those of you that know me also know how difficult a time I had over at the other forum. You guys can remember the arguments and nasty-grams that were flying back and forth.


Finding this place was a God sent for sure and the timing couldn't be better. The fact that so many of my friends followed me here was unbelievable to me.. and I thank each and every one of you for coming with me. Together we can forge a friendship that no one can ever break up.. As a team we can do anything.


What the other forum didn't understand is forums are NOT about the admins and moderators.. Forums exist for one reason and only one reason.. The MEMBERSHIP. Without that you can have the servers, the software, the URL and domain name but you can never have a community..


I think this forum management understands this simple principal. Setting up this "off topic" room in just a single day is proof of that..


So once again, hats off to the GreyForum management team and especially FairY who remains my first contact whenever I need or want something..


Thank you from all of the membership here..<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/21 06:07

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What the other forum didn't understand is forums are NOT about the admins and moderators.. Forums exist for one reason and only one reason.. The MEMBERSHIP.



I fully agree, CeasarsDad :)

We're very lucky with such nice members as you guys B)

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I have read both forums, and can say that the only mention of a problem is here. This seems to be a nice place so I went back and deactivated my account.If you want to make an impression, go disable your account; your old posts will show as 'guest'. If that is how they want to run their forum, so be it. Anyhow, I have a Sony DSC-P50, IT HAS MAJOR PROBLEMS WITH SHADOWS, opps, caps sorry! I have the flash set to "-" which I think is reduced. I don't have a bunch-o-bucks or I'de have a better cam. Would a cheap slave kill the shadows? I saw one once for $40 and may be able to find it again. I have the manual on PDF from the Sony site but photography is not my sport. I just want some good shots of my birds.


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Buck wrote:

I have read both forums, and can say that the only mention of a problem is here.


Buck, that's because the admin pulled all the posts about what happenend and the complaints they were getting. No mention of a problem because they got rid of it. :whistle:

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Buck wrote:

Anyhow, I have a Sony DSC-P50, IT HAS MAJOR PROBLEMS WITH SHADOWS, opps, caps sorry! I have the flash set to "-" which I think is reduced. I don't have a bunch-o-bucks or I'de have a better cam. Would a cheap slave kill the shadows? I saw one once for $40 and may be able to find it again. I have the manual on PDF from the Sony site but photography is not my sport. I just want some good shots of my birds.



Buck, we can certainly help with that. Please post a photo in the Members Photography Thread and I will take a look personally..

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Well Judy, of course I understand what you are saying here.. As I said before, when WE... and you know who WE was... were over at that other place that other place was a great forum..


You see, it's not the URL or forum name that makes the place.. It's US... That other place seems to think that the reason people enjoy the place is because of THEM... It's not, and the results speak for themselves.


When WE were over there we had lots of exciting threads and interaction. Now that WE are gone what's left over there? The admins and moderators. That's what's left. Do you think they wonder what happened? I do.


I tried to warn them in private emails but they wouldn't listen. The bottom line was that guy you reference had a person problem with ME and let his personal feelings RUIN a perfectly good community of friends..


It's a wonder that such smart folks like the two woman that also run things there don't see the forest thru the trees.. I never got a straight answer as to why they had problems with my Members Photography Thread.. I can only wonder what they would have thought about be BLOGING this Hawaii trip.. Do you think they would have allowed that? And why not.. It's a community of folks that have African Greys and LIVES too...<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/23 18:25

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I had a run-in with the 'chief' and he told me that: one punk running around , off topic, with his cheerleaders "hi-fiving each post" was getting out of hand. Without the name calling or topic issue, I do see that here, but that's your business.I have read some of the more serious threads, and they are not stupid in any sense of the word. I think they care, and I have yet to read a post from this group with that much depth. Don't beat me just yet, I'm just trying to settle into the grove. I'm understanding more and more. Now for that picture with my old junker to see if it can be improved apon.


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Buck wrote:

I think they care, and I have yet to read a post from this group with that much depth. Don't beat me just yet, I'm just trying to settle into the grove.


I'm not exactly sure what you mean here Buck.. Can you clarify for me?

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