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Update on my life with Chloe


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Well I have had Chloe home for a little over a month and we are having such a great time! She is sure a character!

She is now about 16 weeks old and fully weaned. I finally got her weaned onto the Harrison's!!! She now loves it and gobbles it up really quickly. She also so far will eat broccoli, peas,carrots, and apples. I keep trying other veggies but she has yet to eat them. She also seems to dislike oatmeal and applesauce!

She has figured out when her treats (avi-cakes) run out in her bowl on her play stand that all she has to do is fly over to her cage and eat the treats left for her inside it!

She is mumbling a bunch of garbly goop sounds...really sounds like she is trying to say something. She also learned the wolf whistle. She has decided that she likes the last half of it more and will do the last half of the whistle mostly. It's too cute.

I am so glad to have her join our family. We have so much love for her. {Love-0002011E}

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I'm pleased as punch that Chloe is such a delight to have and you are enjoying her so much, she sounds like she is quite a character.


She will do gibberish, thats what I call it before they make discernable words and phrases, for quite a while then you will start hearing words but the wolf whistle is easy and I continue to enjoy every time Josey does that whistle.


Keep offering her different vegetables and maybe one day she will eat more of a variety, sometimes one day they decide to finally eat something that has been refused before many times, persistence pays off.

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My daughter gets along with her alright. Sometimes Chloe likes her and wants a head scratch and other times she would rather growl and nip at her. Chloe doesn't like my son at all, but that was expected since he is a busy fast moving toddler. :)

I will get some more pictures posted soon, I promise! Hope all is well with you!

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It sounds like Chloe is doing wonderful and you have done a fine job in helping her to wean and get on to Harrison's.


They are such a joy at that age with their funny little noises and clumsiness. Enjoy those moments and get lots of photos to reflect on and of course share with us. :-)

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