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supplements ?


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Are the so called supplements we add to our food / water a must for our feathered friends after all in the wild they dont fly to the petshop and purchase these things i dont know if i can name them so i wont but would be interested to know if anyone is just a plain giver of the basic food & water without adding these supplements ????????

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Some people do give vitamins or supplements to their greys but I dont.


If they are getting a good varied diet they should be getting everything they need from that.


Also some people do add a calcium supplement.

Everyone will have different answers to this one it depends on their grey and their diet.

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thanks for that caroline as a previous Racing Pigeon owner i never gave my birds anything only the obvious mineral blocks & grit i just have it in my head from when i used to race them they did well without the so called stuff they put on the shelfs

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As long as they are eating a balanced diet of pellets, fruits (including palm oil) and veggies, I wouldn't give them any supplements, unless your avian vet recommended it. Just feed a good diet, make sure they get enough UV light, either outdoors or from a full spectrum lamp. Then just make sure to take your grey in for a yearly exam with bloodwork. If there is a deficiency, that will expose it.

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I dont give Charlie any suplements.He is on Harrisons Pellets and has tuns of fruit and veg so it is not needed.I did give Cracker my tiel pro biotic in his water when he was very ill last year but not once he fully recovered and regained his weight. I generally think that if the diet is good it is not needed and in some cases can even do harm.I think suplements should be given on the advise of a vet .<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/12/02 00:11

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I agree with everyone else when it come to supplemants they should only be given if you vet says they are needed. as long as you feel your bird is eating a balanced diet there sould be no need for supplements I know that I give my bird a balanced diet and for the most part they eat a balanced diet the only bird that I'm concerned about is Gizmo and I do put 1 drop of multi vitamin in his water only because he will not eat anyof the fruits and veggitables that I offer him nor does he eat the harrisons or Zupreem pellets either. So until he starts eating something other than his seeds and nuts I will supplement him the only other thing I've managed to get him to eat is eggs. I'll keep trying mabie eventually he will eat properly.

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