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Is this Luck


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I have been reading through some posts hear and I cant believe how lucky I am with Charlie.I got him at 7 months old , he is now almost six. I did do an awfull lot of research into what type of parrot would be happiest with me and onse I decided on a grey I spoke to my vet and had a very lengthy conversation with him and a breader he put me in contact with. I had intended to purchase a baby from the breader when he had one available. He did not bread many at all, mainly they were just the odd baby his own two greys had.He let the parents rear the babies but he handled them very often from an early age so the babies in my oppinion got the best of both worlds.Anyway one day I found out someone was wanting to rehome a grey. I could not resist and Charlie came home the next day.The point I am making is that I went against all my initial plans and took in a grey I knew nothing about. He has turned out to be the most fantastic companion,gives me loads of fun and has hardley given me any trouble.He is not a screamer or a plucker and I have had only the occasional nip when I have not taken notice to his body language Or he has not been well and in pain. I have just ignored this as it has been my fault.He is not a cuddle bird but when he wants will sit on my knee and have cuddles and head scritches, this is mostly in the morning or evening.He has never so far shown agression to either my two old tiels ot Cracker who I have now.Anyway I read so many posts from people quite upset and desperate about their greys behaviour that I cant believe how lucky I have been.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/11/30 21:14

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Sheila - I would say you are both an animal person and lucky. :-)


Lucky that you did not rescue a Grey with a ton of horrible baggage to be dealt with and blessed to have the "Touch" both physically and mentally in rearing such a well behaved Grey and companion. :-)

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I dont think its just luck Sheila,you can tell how close you are to your Charlie and how much you love both of your birds!


You are dedicated to both Charlie and Cracker and I am so pleased for you that you have not had any problems!


You are a great bird mum!:)

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