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When do you cut back hand feeding?


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Hello. We have a 10 week old TAG that we are hand feeding and we wondering how we know when to cut back the feeding. He has been home with us for 2 weeks now and is doing great, as far as wanting to be out with us and adjusting. Well we think he is adjusting just fine.


My question is this, how do we know when to cut back the feedings?


 As of now he is on 3 times a day and there are days he eats like a little pig and then there are days he might eat 20cc each feeding.


 When he eats 20cc he acts like he wants more, but most of what we give him is spit back out. This might happen to all three feedings. Very seldom do we get the full 40cc in at every feeding.


 We questioned the pet store in which we bought him from and there answer is he will tell us and they felt he was too young to cut back the feedings.


 We weigh him before and after each feeding and his weight ranges from 240g (this is his lowest weight since we have had him home) before feeding and about 290g after. This is after eating the full 40cc


 His weight when he just takes the 20cc or so is about 240g before and will go up to 275g after he eats.


 He always has pellets, fruit and veggies in his cage, and he does pick at them during the day and night.


So is it time to cut back to 2 times a day or should we keep going with the 3 times? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks Gerald

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Are you now introducing any other type of soft foods and if so what and are you seeing him actually comsume any foods on his own? Do not over feed him his formula until he regurgitates some up because he could asperate on it very easily. 10 weeks old I still keep them on 3 feedings a day until they are 11 weeks then I cut back to 2 feedings a day depending on if the bird is indeed eating something on his own or this can help them eat more on their own but usually they will let you know when they no longer want feedings and when this happens do not force them to eat formula just let him be and he will not starve but will probably try picking more at pellets or veggies.


When Roscoe reached 11 weeks old everyday I introduced him to fresh mixed veggies but he always picked out the peas and corn. I also soaked him weaning pellets and birdie biscuits which helped alot with the weaning process.


By the way Welcome to the forum and congrats on your new baby :)<br><br>Post edited by: Cagal08, at: 2008/11/30 17:22

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Thank you for the info. Yes he also has pellets in his cage and we have noticed him eating them. Not a lot but he does eat them. It seems like he eats better out of the cage with us when he does eat vegies/fruits or pellets.

Guess my question would be now is if we do try to feed him twice a day can we hurt him? Or do you feel it is better to wait another week and try it... He will be 11 weeks old on this coming Saturday.

I am going to try the most pellets this afternoon and will let you know how that works.


Thanks Again!! Gerald

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Hello and welcome to the forum, congratulations on your new baby grey.


Above is a link which will give you a guide to hand feeding and the amounts you should be feeding.

I would continue until you can see he is eating more of the pellets and veggies on his own.


Try and moisten the pellets if he wont eat them dry, thats what I had to do with my youngest.


All greys will wean at different ages, mine were all weaned by 12 weeks others on the forum have weaned before this and others much later!


Just monitor the amount that is eaten and like you are doing already, keep a track of his weight as well.


I look forward to hearing more about you both and seeing some pictures of your new Tag.



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Hello everyone. Well cloudy turned 11 weeks old on Saturday and on Monday we went to two feedings a day. We increased the amount of food by 10cc and he seems to be adjusting great. He is also eating A LOT BETTER. Now he is acting like he wants to eat. We also noticed that if we allow him out for about an hour in the morning before we feed him he eats better too... We found that out last week...


Just wanted to let everyone know how the little guy is doing :)

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I am so glad that Cloudy is eating a lot better!

Every grey has different amounts of formula/food at different ages, there are only guidelines that can be given but it sounds like Cloudy is a happy content grey!

You are doing a great job!


Thanks for the update, do you have any recent photos of Cloudy?



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