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Any suggestion Help!!!


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Fergie (Amazon) is extreamly hormonal right now. She constantly flying up on top of my kitchen cabnets and chewing the edges. I must climb up there 20 times a day to get her down and she just goes right back. I've tried time outs in her cage and everything. Tonight she was being really bad I would climb up to get her down and she would fly to the otherside of the kitchen. I just at my end here I don't know what I'm going todo with her. The only time she does this kind of thing is when she's hormonal she's looking for a nice dark secure place to build a nest. I understand what she's doing but she's making me absolutly crazy. If anybody has any sugestion on how to help her and at the same time help me that would be great. I even got to the point where I clipped her wings but she is such a strong flyer that it didn't even slow her down so now I'm really stumped.

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This is a tough one! You have even tried clipping her wings. Have you provided her with an area in her cage where she may feel more comfortable and not seek other areas for nesting purposes?


If there are areas I dont want my birds to fly to I put things there they dont like or are afraid of. I have these wicker balls made from woven willow branches my two hate them and will not go anywhere near them.


Sorry I cant be of more help.Good Luck!

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There realy isn't much you can do with a hormonal female amazon. They're different that the males who's only change in behavior is temporarily becoming more aggressive.

A hen will concentrate on doing exactly what yours is doing through the whole hormonal phase. DYH are the worst. The only thing you can do is keep her away from her favorite places. Block her off. It really doesn't matter what you're doing. Take her down, she goes right up again over and over. You talk about putting her in the cage. You should increse the amount of times in the cage when you do that. Luckily, the hormonal cycle won't last very long. It's difficult for you and it's simply frustrating for her. Now if you had a male, then you'd have real problems. If part of her diet incluses grapes and corn material, stop giving those things to her. Those things stimulate the desire to nest.

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I have read that amazons are very hormonal,males becoming agressive and females wanting to nest.I dont think you can stop that other than hormone treatment from a vet in extreme cases of agression.I am afraid its a case of grinning and bearing.Just do your best from letting her up to the kitchen units and maybe a bit more cage time till she settles down.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/11/30 21:32

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Yes thats what she's getting more cage time I cut her off the grapes a 2 weeks ago. If she wasn't so determined it would be almos funny. She is so sweet and huggable Don't worry I stay away from anything that makes her excited but she sure is a love bug. I DYH are the worsy I'm glad I don't have one Fergie YCA is enough to deal with She's not afraid of anything so putting someting up there to scare her won't work she is a very confident happy healthy female Amazon. I don't think I've ever seen her look quite a gorgous as she does right now she just went though an extreamly heavy molt and so now hpretty much every feather she has is brand new and she just shines. Poor baby its one thing right after another first the heavyest molt I've ever seen and as soon as thats over it hormone time again. I hope she gets over this quickly I've been increasing her sleep time also hopeing that 14 hours instead of 12 will help stop the cycle.

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  • 4 weeks later...

She still a little hormonal not nearly as bad as she was. My kitchen doesn't look very nice right now . I stuffed huge body pillows up ontop of the cupboards so she can't get up there. She still trys sometimes but it doesn't work anymore. she's learning that when I say No that I mean it so every time she try's something shes not allowed all I have to do is say no Fergie I'm comeing to get you and she fly's right back to her cage as soon as I take a steo towards her. I guess she got tired of getting locked in her cage everytim she did something she wasn't allowed to do. I sure its at the tail end of it now she is starting to behave like her old self again. Thanks for asking

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