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Poop eating...


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:sick: I must admit it was quite unappetizing to see Zeus (my Congo) munching on a few pieces of poop off of the couch that I'd missed.


He gets a good diet and I am not sure what this is all about.


He doesn't do it all the time, but it's really gross. Is this normal? Is he lacking something from his diet that is making him eat poop, or is this a normal (albeit gross) behaviour?


It's so yucky though. I can't imagine eating my own poop, lol! :pinch: :S

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Does he do this alot? Or has he only done it the once? How old zeus?


Most importanty does he have access to poop (you said you missed some but does her have a grillat the bottom of his cage to stop him getting to his poop?


Sorry for all the questions but they may help to shed some light as to why he is doing this.<br><br>Post edited by: nims, at: 2008/11/30 10:37

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Hi and thanks for the reply...


Well, I've only NOTICED him doing it in the past month or so.


Where I've seen him do it is - on the couch by the window where his window perch is, there's a little towel type thing underneath his perch (to catch his poop so it doesn't ruin the couch).


I've noticed him munching on dry pieces of poop that are there. It's not every day mind you, but still.


At the bottom of his cage I am not sure if he's done it. I know he rummages for stuff he's dropped sometimes through the grill, but I've never seen him eat poop there, although he may have.


Anyway, I am starting now to shake his perch towel off every day and wash it more frequently than I need to to discourage the poop eating.


Yucky! :sick:

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I have never heard of a grey do this but some of the other more experienced grey owners may have more answers.


My only solution is that you dont let zeus get access to the poop. This means cleaning up after him whereever possible I know this cant always be possible but birds are quite messy I am constantly cleaning after my two. Other suggestions would be to up his perch somewhere where the poop can be cleaned up easier (not on the couch) Or get a table top stand or play stand.I have two for my greys and I line mine with newspaper and replace as soon as they get soiled.


I hope this helps! ;)

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I've only heard of this happening a few times and I think if I remember correctly that it has something todo with a deficency in their diet. I would take our Grey in for a well bird checkup or at least give your vet a call and explain what he is doing he may have some sugestions for you that you can try. It isn't normal for him to be eating his own poop.

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Pat hit one possible cause of this type behaviour.


The reasons why birds eat their own feces is controversial, but can be caused by nutritional deficiencies (calcium a big one), environmental factors (stress), psychological problems (boredom) or a pathology.


Any bird eating droppings should have a complete medical evaluation. There are meds available that an avian vet can prescribe if he/she deems it appropriate based on a medical evaluation. Often times, the problem can be resolved with a diet change to a more healthier, nutritional diet.

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Eating there own poop is usually a diet related disorder called Coprophagia. It's usually caused by a bad diet, where your bird is not getting the vitamins and minerals his body needs. This can also turn into a bad habit once the diet is corrected... they will continue to munch on it by habit. You should definitely take your baby to an avian vet to make sure that he hasn't made himself sick by eating his feces. You may need to have them run a couple of tests to make sure.


Good luck


Carolyn & Mika

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