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Cheeping and making low vibrating sounds normal?


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Hi guys,


As i was teaching Coco how to shake hands (or feet, in his case) tonight, he kept making these soft cheeping noises, the kind baby birds make when they're hungry. He has food and water available at all times in the cage so i don't think that's the reason. Also, he kept putting his beak between my fingers and bobbing his head up and down as though he's gurgling down something, with his body crouched down low and feathers slightly spread out.


When i picked him up to cuddle with him, he nestled against me and occasionally made a low vibrating sound. It doesn't sound like a growl which i've read in books that means he's agitated and certainly doesn't fit in the scenerio and i've never read about the vibrating sound anywhere so i really don't know what it means. My guess would be that he's just really contended and enjoying the attention.


Is this all normal?

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