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Hello guys!

I've been browsing around on this website for about two weeks, and I'm hooked! It's filled with valuable information, and everyone is so nice. :)


I'm from Issaquah, WA. And i'm a junior in high school, and I've recently been diagnosed with depression. They gave me pills, and i've been taking them with no real positive effect (yet) besides the horrible icky side effects. :S I have no reason to come home, I feel unloved by everyone in the house.


But the point is, my boyfriend is an owner of two beautiful greys and I've always loved birds. I have a sun conure at home which is sadly aggressive towards everyone besides my mother and father. African greys amaze me and most the time I'm the one taking care of (feeding, watering, cleaning) my boyfriends greys. (they are spoiled)


I feel that I would greatly benefit from being a grey owner, and it's been proving that animals help depression. I'd be home much more often than not, giving my grey the attention he/she needs. I yearn for that connection between an animal. And even though I'm in high school, I'd say that as a 17 year old, I'm more mature than people my age. This is not just a pet to look at and feed. It's a child that needs my attention and love. I'm responsible, and I'd never give up on my grey.


Any feedback?

(please be nice, :))

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Hello Empera and welcome to the family, so glad you could finally join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your new grey.


Well you certainly have some experience with greys if your boyfriend has two and I hope you are truly responsible because a grey is a lifetime committment and you need to be sure that is really what you want.


I am sorry to hear of your depression but hopefully the meds you are on will help you with that and yes animals do help people with depression, they lift our spirits and give us someone else to think of and care for.


You already know we have lots of useful information in our many threads so continue to read thru them and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I know the two greys of your boyfriends is not yours but we would love to see a picture of them if you have any and would share one with us.

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Hello and welcome to the forum Empra, its so nice you could join us!


Sorry to hear of your depression,it can affect so many people, any age, all walks of life but think positive and keep on taking the medication, most anti depressants dont kick in for about 4-6 weeks so hopefully you will feel some improvement soon.


Its great to hear you are doing your research before entering into the world of greys, there is so much to learn about these wonderful birds. You already have some experience with the shared duties of your boyfriends greys so you know what they are all about and how rewarding they can be.


Please post some photos of your boyfriends greys, I cant wait to hear more about them.



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Hi Empra.I am glad you decided to join us. Greys are a hugh responsibility as I am sure you realise having helped look after two. My advise is to do as much reserch as you can before making your final decision.I am sorry you are suffering from depresion,be assured you are far from alone in this.As Casper said the medication can take a few weeks to make any difference. Another tip for depression is exercise.It releases a natural chemical in our body that improves our outlook. I always felt fantastic after a good run.It also raises self esteme as you shape up and maybe shed a few pounds if you wish.Good luck and I hope you feel brighter soon.

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Hello Empera!! It's GreYt having you here. :-)


You sound like a very responsible person when it comes to pets. That is evidenced by your researching online for information regarding African Greys and reading posts on our Forum. Thats is unusual for one your age and still in High School.


I am sorry to hear that you are at a difficult time in your life. But, know that at your age, it's natural to have strong feelings of wanting to become independent, struggling to find "Your Self" and become the individual joining the rest of the adult society soon. :-)


I believe you would make a great Grey owner, but timing is always a consideration, as well as money. There are a few things to consider about the next few years of your very rapidly changing life.


First, you will be graduating in another year, are you also planning on going to College? If so, will it be a local community College the first 2 years and then on to a University to obtain your higher degree? If so, what will become of your Grey or any other pet you may have?


Secondly is the money aspect. Are our parents willing to lay out ~900 for a Grey, ~ 300 for a cage and around 50 a month for food and don't forget the toys that are pricey and the Greys destroy in a month or 2.


Third is the space for your Greys large Cage. Would you have room in your living area or would your parents be receptive to having that in a common living area like the living room?


I am not trying to discourage you at all, but just want to put a few realities out there for you to consider.


It's great having you here and I hope you post often, ask tons of questions and become an active member here where you will find everyone very interesting, helpful and friendly. :-)

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Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.


About my boyfriends greys. His father is an animal control officer for the city of Renton, so he brings in abused animals into the house practically daily. His name is Davey Jones (funny, right?) and he came absolutely bare and now he has some beautiful feathers back. He is a rescue. He's a biter, but I still love him to death. They think he is about 5 years young.


And then yet to come is the grey they bought about 12 years ago. They named him Merlin, and he sure is a bright one. Gorgeous, and quite the imitator.


Since i'm somewhat of a stranger to the birds, i can't exactly come in contact with them, but i'm perfectly fine admiring them.




As far as thinking about the present and future, you asked good questions, but I'm prepared. :)


I plan to go to a community college, due to the profession to want to pursue, which is cooking. As I plan on staying home during my college time, so my grey wouldn't have to worry about moving issues, or not getting enough love and attention daily.


Absolutely I've checked out the price aspect. Just the other day I visited several pet stores to compare prices/toy costs and I got a good idea.


As far as space is concerned, There is a large area in the living room that the grey could occupy. I understand that windows are bad because of drafts and other reasons. Heat vents, etc. There is the perfect spot. :)


she, I'll try to start exercising more. Although I am such a baby about running, haha.



Thank you all again. :D




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Hi, Empera and welcome. You are correct in saying that animals can help relieve depression. Studies have shown that walking/running can make a huge diference also. It is also true that being owned by a Grey is a life long commitment. When it is all said and done, however, there is nothing like hsving a Grey. Good luck.;)

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