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Should I take Pumpkin to Thanksgiving at my moms?


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We are still deciding on whether or not to take Pumpkin with us to my mothers house this afternoon. She absolutely loves my mom. My mom comes in my house and she starts whistling, flies off the cage, etc.


I got her a traveling cage with perches and bowls. So she will have somewhere to go while we are there. They don't have any animals so there is nothing to worry about in that department. Pumpkin is pretty well potty trained too.


I don't think it would be an issue. Does anyone else?




Happy Holidays everyone!



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Take her Heather, I have taken Josey in such situations and she might enjoy some turkey and sweet potatoes too. I may even take Josey today when I go to my daughter's house for dinner, she likes going with me.


You might want to curtail the eating off your plate at the table bit and give her the meal in her travel cage as some non bird people are offended at fids at the table.;)

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Nope. Sounds like it's a good environment, and i've read that you should take your birds places to get them well socialized. I have already planned to take my baby to my sisters house with us today (for thanksgiving) because I don't want to be away from her all day, and there will be soo much good food that our babies will love to eat.

Have a good one!

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Karme to you LabRat00!

This is a really good point! People should always check out the safety before taking their bird anywhere!

Sorry to sound boring but just think of the dangers as well! Cookwear, air freshners etc!

Good thinking!


On a lighter note, I hope everything is bird safe and you do get to take your baby with you!;)



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We took her and she was a hit.


My 87 year old grandmother was there. She is just in love with pumpkin. Now she wants a bird, we said "uh no!" She has a little dementia and asked the same 5 questions 20,000 times but Pumpkin liked her. She sat on Gramas shoulder for a long time.


Of course Pumpkin had to hang out on my mom A LOT. I almost think she likes her more than me. My mom sort of resembles the breeder, we think that may be why Pumpkin is so infatuated with her.


Pumpkin also has a I only love women issue, I see it starting to come out more and more. She tolerates my hubby for the most part but Me, my daughter and my mom are her favorites.


Well we had fun. Thanks everyone for the advice. Pumpkin has now dive bombed my from the play top and is demanding head scratches or she will eat my keyboard. lmao


Thanks everyone!

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