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Stupid Question (Probably)


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Ok, so I have a situation.....


We let Charlie Chazwick out of his cage for the first time yesterday. He stayed out for a couple of hours and then went back in of his own accord.


We let them both out again at 9.30 this morning, Chazwick has done a bit of flying around (he's good at crashing into walls it seems), but every time has let me pick him up and carry him back.... althoug as soon as he gets near the cage he flies off my hand and onto the top of the cage. My hubby put Charlie Chazzles back in the cage before he left for work, but Chazwick is still out 5 hours later and I have to go out soon. He hasn't made any attempt to go back in and as he doesn't know the step up command I can't get him in like that. I've tried taking myself up to his level by standing on a chair and coaxing him onto my hand, or into the cage, but he's having none of it. How the hell do I get him back in?????


Any suggestions please? Help!

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How about enticing him with a treat? And when you get him to step onto your fingers, hold his talon tightly so he can't fly away. He won't like it, but be persistent and tell him it's okay, you will be back soon. Then praise him when he gets in his cage repeatedly, tell him what a good boy he is! Reward him with a treat thru the bars.


If you really have a problem, then you will have to towel him to catch him, put him in his cage, reward him with praise and a treat.

Good luck!

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I don't want to towel him because he'll hate me forever :(


At the moment he will only take a treat when he's safely in his cage, if I try when he's out he just backs away. This is only day four, so we have a lot of ground to cover! It's a shame the previous owners gave up on him, they said they don't let him out because it's too much of a problem to get him back in, I intend to persevere.....

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I am not sure how to get him back in but you might have to towel him or grab him. When I first got Baxter and he started going out he would stay out all day long without going back in:( I had to grin and bear it and just pick him up off the cage which was not fun.


I would start working on step up immediately though. Life is so much more easier when they know the step up command. Once I taught Baxter to step up it was so much more simplier on all of us. :) I only took about 2 days for him to learn step up real good. I think even he liked it because I didn't have to grab him anymore. Even when he doesn't feel like stepping up I can eventually get him to do it.


Good luck to you.

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He's back in now, thank goodness, thanks for all the help and suggestions. I must remember not to let him out if I need to go out somewhere.


I think it was my singing that drove him back into his cage in terror (I'm not best known for a good singing voice lol). A Christmas song came on the music channel and as I started singing at the top of my voice he clambered back in


It's so difficult to know what to do - so many conflicting opinions. Some people are telling me to leave him a few weeks to settle in before I start working with him and others are telling me to do it straight away..... I guess there's no definitive answer and with him not being a baby it's always going to be harder I suppose.

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I know there are a lot of conflicting opinions on here, especially with an older bird. Baxter was 12 years old when I got him and wasn't sure how quick or slow to go either. :unsure: I went at his pace. I did teach him the step up in about a week and half after getting him. Once he learned that everything fell into place. He seemed pretty eager to learn so I was lucky on that part of it.


I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to when to work with him. It depends on the bird itself. You will be able to tell when you are making progress or not.


I had a couple times when I wanted Baxter back in his cage in the beginning and I know what kind of nightmare it can be. You will get through it though;) .


I also keep the food and water in his cage only. I figured if I left it on top of his cage in the food bowls he wouldn't ever have a reason to go in.:laugh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, he forgot it very quickly... in fact he loves me now :D Lots of squeaking noises and regurgitation when I go near him. He hasn't mastered the step up command yet, but if he's out of the cage and needs to go back in I just pick him up from behind holding his wings down and pop him back in!

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I pick my baby grey up that way all the time. Just reach out and pick her up. I want to be able to get her in a hurry if there is an emergency to pop her into her travel cage. I also play peek-a-boo with a towel with her all the time so she will not be afraid when she goes to the Vet or if someone else less experienced needs to immediately take you up in a towel. My baby and I are also working on the step-up command. I believe they are only afraid of what they don't understand and want my grey to understand all I can think of.

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