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What makes your grey stand out in a crowd?


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I thought it would be interesting to see what differences our greys have that makes them ,well them.


If your grey was in a sea of grey birds with red tails How would you know yours?? besides the running screaming "MOM/DAD get me away from all the birds!"


ZZero has a couple tell tale signs

He has a pink mouth and tongue and a funny oblong shaped head hehe. He is also missing the feathers that cover the front fold of his wings they just arent there and never have been so he has tuffs of down lining his wings.<br><br>Post edited by: cflanny, at: 2008/11/26 19:24

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Sierra is a small grey at 380 grams, so I'd start by looking for the short one. I'd eliminate all those that had a perfectly red tail, since she's still got a tad of black at the tips. If I still couldn't pick her out, I'd have to play to her weaknesses and get her to come to me.


1. Cheerios (but I bet she's not the only one that would come running)


2. A blanket. As soon as she sees a blanket, she runs over and positions herself squat right in the center. If I don't cover her ASAP, she then proceeds to explain the error of my ways.


3. Pull out any cleaning apparatus. She hates them all. And, that's the only thing she's scared of. She absolutely hates vacuums, brooms, etc. I can't really blame her. I have a slight aversion to cleaning supplies myself.


Rigel would be easier to pick out of the crowd. He'd be the one with no flight feathers and no tail feathers. Although, in the last week, he's just started to get his tail feathers back. So, I won't be able to use that for long.


He used to have a bald spot on the top of his head from an injury in his cage. That would have been a sure sign it was him, but it has finally healed.


I suppose I'd just have to pull out some healthy food and see which one tried to escape?

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Hmmm. ;) Rikki would be the smaller congo, with the feather stuck on the top of her beak between her eyes, it's chipped and keeps catching a down feather or two. She also would be the one with the biggest feet! And she loves to yell..."HAAAYYLOOOOO! She can't fly either, she would lift her wings and lean towards me for me to come get her.


Talon would be the one that was the trickster! She loves to play tricks on you and then laughs at us! She would also be the best flier there! She can maneuver anywhere she wants, fast, smoothly, never a mistake! AND SHE TALKS NONSTOP! She would also be the one bird saying, "Sorry Talon, be back soon okay?" ( I say this to her when I have to put her in her cage to go to work). She also would be the one to bite you and then laugh! :laugh:


This is a great idea for a thread! Karma coming for you!! B)

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Tyco is very large 580 gr she has very dark grey feathers on her back and wings and her chest and tummy are very light grey the tips of her flight feathers are so dark they are almost black. also usually the big African Greys are light Grey almost silver all over. she has a perfect stance and she long a lean looking not stumpy looking she also has very long flight feathers from the back you can only see about an 1/8 of an inch of her tail because her flight feathers cover it she is also missing 2 flight feathers on her left side. She also has a habit of going WOOOOO every time she sees me. All I'd really have to say is Tyco c'mer and she would walk over to me.

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We actually had this when we took ours to a free flight day. They were out with about 50 other birds, probably 20 or so greys. I was nervous that we wouldn't know which one our babies were.


Anyway it turned out there was no fear of not knowing them, our male I knew from his body movements. I guess I have spent loads of time learning his body language. He was also the naughty bird and wanted to make friends and would fly to the others. Of course the talking as well, everytime he would fly somewhere he would praise himself and and say you are a good boy, good boy.


Our female was easy to spot as well, also from her unique body movements, which is odd because I would never have thought I could tell our greys apart purely by body movements. She was the grey that freaked when she came out and flew to the rafters and sat there getting used to everything.

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"Apple, apple, APPLE!" in every possible tone and inflection! It's Nicky's favourite word ever since he worked out that yelling "apple" resulted in someone giving him apple, and now he uses it as a general request for whatever he wants. Eating dinner within view of him? "Apple!" until he gets some! Reading a book? "Apple!" until you run away to save the pages from his beak! Making a quickie chew toy? "Apple!" until he gets it...


My long absence was due to a computer breakdown, by the way...happily, it had nothing to do with Nicky's inquisitive beak disassembling the keyboard :P

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Dayo would be easy to spot, if it was early morning.


He would be the Grey walking around saying "Wheres the Coffee? Make Coffee!! MMMmmmmmmm"


He says this every morning constantly as we put on the first pot...


He just loves the stuff and we have to fight with him constantly to keep him away from our cups, even when we're holding them!

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Saphira would be easy, I would just have to wait for her to poop, she cannot poop without wiggling her bottom.


Thorn would be a little harder, if all the birds were TAGs, I would look for a larger bird (he is pretty big for a TAG) with a red tail. His tail is pretty close to as red as a CAG.


Both of mine have red factor, but a lot of greys do, so that would not work.


For both of my birde i could pull out a piece of dehydrated papaya and my two would be crawling over the others to get to me!!

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This is an easy one. Indy would be the smallest CAG there as she is pretty small. She is red factor grey and has two tail feathers missing.


With Ice I would be looking for one of the larger CAGs. He has a pure white face. He would be saying "shut up,go away"

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Lyric would be the mischievous one with a gleam in his eye. He would be flying around, hanging upside down by one foot and whistling a little tune. He loves to dismantle appliances so he is the one on top of the fridge trying to pull the seals apart. Or just get out a tub of peanut butter and he'd be first in line for a bite.

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