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Ear infection and Plucking: Another Zahzu update!


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Hey guys,


Today an avian vet came to town, and we took Zahzu to see him to see if he may have any insight into her plucking and to check out why she scratches her ears and stretches her neck up so frequently.


He checked her ears, and lo and behold, she had a totally plugged up, blocked LEFT ear (she only has been plucking on her left side!).


So, the vet operated on her and removed as much of the blockage as he could - but there is still some gunk left inside - so we need to give her drops for one week.


Very worried about how we will manage with the ear drops for this week - I think we are going to have to towel Zahzu and put them in - not looking forward to it, but it has to be done.


Any tips and advice is welcome!




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Oh my poor baby she must have been in so much pain and probubly still is did the Doctor give her anything for the pain. how many times a day do the drops need to be administered? You probubly will have to towel her to put the drops in did the Dr show you how to hold her after you get her toweled its not hard just put one hand around her neck just above her crop so she can't bite or move her head. Just make sure you tell her what your doing and why tell her that your going to make her ear feel better and the towel won't hurt her. try to use a green or white towel it will be less frightening for her. just a few hints I hope this helps a little.

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Hi Pat,

The Dr did show us how to hold her - we have had to towel her a few times before to remove bleeding blood feathers (before we knew that most of the time they can be left alone because they clot quickly and Zahzu sorts it out herself!).

She needs to take the drops for a week - and we need to give one drop daily.

She doesn't have any medication for pain - as far as I know the risks of giving pain killers far outweigh the benefits (I don't want her having liver problems or anything like that)... so I guess she'll just need some time to get over the pain. However in saying that the drops do contain a corticosteiroid which will bring down inflamation, resulting in analgesia.

Will keep you all updated on how it is going...


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I am so happy that you have at last found a reason for your greys behaviour and plucking.It seems you are now well on the way to putting things right.I am sure Zahzu willnot like having ear drops put in but it is for her own good. Make sure after you have given the drops to give her lots of love and a special treat. I am sure she will soon be feeling much better.Do you have to go back to the vet with her?

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Hey guys,

I'm not sure when we will take her back to the vet - it depends when this specialist is back in town, however I will give him a call after a few days to give progress and see if we are doing everything ok.


I'm a little concerned today - because it seems like Zahzu has some dried up blood in her ear. I managed to put the ear drops without having to towel her this time - she wanted scratches, and had her eyes closed enjoying the scratch, so i tilted her head to the side, and popped in the drop! She didn't even complain. I gave the ear a good massage - so hopefully that will assist in breaking up the dried blood and remainder of what gunk is in her ear.


She still appears to be a bit nauseas as a result of the anaesthetic (she was under for about 45mins!)...however she is eating and drinking.

Her poops appear a little darker green than usual - however they do have the normal 3 parts to them, so I'm not too worried yet. Will try giving her some other food now, and see if she's motivated to eat.


Anyone have any idea what could have caused the ear infection?



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I'm so glad you are being able to get the drops in without to much stress to Zahzu I'm sure she is starting to feel better already. with your care and love she will be right as rain in no time Keep us updated on her progress I'll be sending healing thought her way and saying a prayer for her as well as for you

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