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Island Park, NY area grey for adoption


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I am sorry if my opinion offended some, but I do stick to my opinion and feel I have the right to post my opinion. Now I would have been more tactful if the poster was the actual person getting rid of their bird and not someone posting an ad they found.


I knew the people were not getting rid of their bird because they were getting new furniture, but I recently actually heard of someone getting rid of their bird because of getting new furniture and I was venting.


But I still very much disagree with the people that posted the ad getting rid of their bird because they got a new dog...The bird was their first.

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miss talon, i have a friend who lives in FL that is looking to adopt a grey. he is a fabulous pet owner, is familiar with birds (used to keep finches), has done loads of research and has bird-loving support nearby. i would not hesitate to place any animal into his care.


IF you are interested, i would be willing to contact my friend and see if he is interested as well.


i am affiliated with an FDA-approved pet hauler, i mentioned to her the possibility of adding birds to her repertoire. perhaps this would be an answer should you and my friend reach an agreement. this pet gal services the east cost primarily and loops up the mississippi. i used to do dog runs for her when she volunteered for a GSD rescue organization.


anyway, i know you have a full house but feel compelled to help this bird in need. if you should find my proposal something you would like to pursue, please feel free to PM me and we can discuss it further.


but thank you anyway for rising to the occasion, your big heart will be rewarded no matter what direction this matter takes.



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Yes I agree with Dave on this.................sorry have to put in 2cents worth!


Ice came to us as a rescue/rehome situation. The lady who we got him from was unable to keep him as her circumstances changed and she had to move in with her mum. Why couldnt she take Ice with her I hear you say.............it turns out that her mother was allergice to Ice and therefore was unable to keep him. I was also told that she chose us from a number of people she met because she knew we would care for him. There were others that were interested but they wanted to sell him on for a profit{Emotions-000200BA}

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Not since yesterday. It's kind of weird the responses I am getting. Something doesn't feel right...I hope I am wrong. I have offered to come pick Rocky up, but have yet to hear anything when I asked for details on how to proceed to do that.:dry:

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I don't understand why people do this? If you don't have what you claim then why bother to post an ad what do these people expect to gain from doing this except to get someones hopes up. I don't understand how some peoples minds think. They certinly have no regard for their fellow human beings.

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In one of my last emails, I had told this person that I was admin of Greyforums.net, and was experienced in african greys, so that she would feel that Rocky was going to a good home that was prepared and understood the care involved. Ever since that email, I never heard from her again. Interesting..maybe I scared her off. ;)

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It does sound like it was a scam. The surprising part, is there was never a point where something came up about send her the money and the grey would be shipped or some other such common scam lurking out there to get Parrot lovers money thinking their getting a "Steal".


They are, but from the other end. :P

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