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Island Park, NY area grey for adoption


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Hi I ran across this african grey for sale and feel so sorry for him I thought I would post here and see if anyone was close that would want him here is the add..Hopefully he will get a home before the holidays.



bird: Africian Grey Parrot




Id: 1728554




Island Park, NY

domstables@aol. com



Name: Rocky


Age: Young


Size: Medium


Rocky 4 yr old Africian Grey Parrot. Very good vocabulary although doesn't

talk on command. Says "hello mommy", "i love you" mimicks the sound of the

telephone and they says hello. Laughs and barks like our dogs. We recently

adopted a pointer who is determined to eat Rocky so we cannot let her out of

the cage anymore. There is an adoption fee of $150.

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This is sooo sad....I live about 3 hours away. I wish I could help......but I have 2 already.....plus 2 parakeets......plus one dog.......plus 3 horses.......please someone adopt this bird.


Why such a cheap adoption price, I wonder....:huh:

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That is a great price. Hopefully someone local can check rocky out and validate the ad.


That damn Dog would be outside or in a room and Rocky would be out of his cage in my house. :evil: He was there first, is a member of the family and he gets the boot? This really irritates me to hell.......


These people can't figure out a workable solution?

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I agree Dan, the bird was there first, shows where their priorities are, they think more of the dog than the grey, I hope someone can adopt this bird, I would if I lived closer, this grey deserves a home where he can get the love and attention he requires, somewhere where he won't get dumped because of the addition of a dang dog.:angry: ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:angry:

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I wrote just to see what was up here is a repsonse i got..Goodluck Talon..:)





The reason I am selling my bird is because we recently lost one of our dogs and adopted a pointer to keep my weimarinar company. The dog can't get his mind off of the bird. I am afraid that one of these days my kids will forget to watch him and the dog will have a bird dinner. My husband is not too fond of the bird either as he works nights and his home with the bird all day trying to sleep while he is making noises.


He doesn't have any bad habits. He is very gentle with me however he is nervous around new people. I am sure once he gets used to his new owners he will be very loving. He loves to have the top of his head rubbed.


Also, I did not include the cage in the price. I would be willing to sell his cage as well for another 200



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We have a spare room right now thati could use as an aviary, but I am to far away and I am certain that Rocky would be a lucky bird if you adopt him Penny!


At least we would all know this bird would get the life it so deserves.


I even have a spare cage right now. We had bought a new cage when we got Thorn thinking Saphira and Thorn would not get along, but those two are as thick as thieves, so they live together in a 40x30 cage.


We have looked at the rescues for another bird to rescue, but all they had was Cockatoos and I am not sure a Cockatoo would do well n my house with all of the other birds. From what I have read and the resue has told me, most Cockatoos do better as an only bird because they demand all of the attention.


So I am waiting for a CAG, Ekky, Caique, or Amazon.

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Listen people


When someone comes on the board concerning the sale or adoption of their bird and is nice enough to give general reasons for that adoption, it's not very fair to start throwing in all types of snide remarks concerning what must be going on in that person's house which is causing the person to sell or or have to adopt out his/her bird. That person's lifestyle might not be the same as yours but as of now, you really don't know what that life style is.

This has already happened once before to a member who's family situation drastically changed but people decided to critisise this person and started accusing him of other things even though they didn't have the slightest idea about what was really going on. The person was amazed that people would change their attitude simply because he had to sell his bird and it was not a nice thing to watch when the other members did this. Accusations were posted and none were true. If you wish to say why you might like to take the bird or can't take the bird because of distance or say what would happen if another bird was added to the household or say that you may Email the person, that's fine. His living conditions might not be conducive to having a bird. Being judgmental doesn't prove anything. It's a situation in which kindness comes across much better than cruel remarks.

If you wanna be looked upon as a mature, kind person then act that way. If you have nothing positive to say, then don't say anything.


And I'll add one other thing..how would you feel if the person's dog decided to eat the bird simply because that person made no effort to stop that potential disaster. I gotta feeling that people would be saying that the person should have made some type of effort to get the bird to another home to make sure the bird didn't get into that situation. There's 2 sides to a story.

I'm an animal person, not just a bird person. I care just as much for other animals besides birds. AND I also have a dog and have had dogs all my life from the time I was an infant.


Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/11/25 19:57<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/11/25 21:14

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The post was not posted by the seller or adoptor Did you read the post?? They responded with the story and its cause they bought a new dog. I believe in commitment and I would never get rid of one pet for another I worked hard to get my dogs to accept my bird but if they didnt I would have found a way to balance cause I made a commitment. but thats just me sorry I seem judgmental but if people took the commitment seriously....<br><br>Post edited by: cflanny, at: 2008/11/25 20:16

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Whoa Dave, Please remember that you are dealing with mostly "BIRD" people first, and "DOG" people second.

I am sure most of us would agree that we don't know enough details to "pass judgment" on this situation, but also understand that given the choice most of us members would choose to keep our bird that we have had, bonded to, loved, cared for, lived with for 4 years, over a dog that we recently adopted just to keep our other dog company. ;)


But like I always say, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and that's all these replies are.....opinions. We all have Rocky's best interest at heart. Call us CRAZY BIRD PEOPLE if you will! :laugh:


The person who started this thread is NOT the person that is adopting out Rocky.

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Dave007, thanks for saying that. I've never seen someone so upset as the woman who had to give up Gryphon. It was actually painful to watch her leave him at our house, she loved him so much. Her reasons were the kind I would have been critical of in the abstract, but once you see a real person behind it, that is something else entirely.

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Dave is right, Stephanie you too, sometimes we jump to conclusions on these types of situations and we should give the person the benefit of the doubt. The owner may have had legitimate reasons for doing what she is doing and until we have been in her shoes we just don't know.

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I too watched 2 complete strangers, a grown middle aged man and his wife cry terribly as they said Good-bye and left Rikki with me after driving 3 hours to bring her to me. And these lovely people only had her for 5 weeks, but were devastated at having to give her to me. We continue to communicate via email, as they miss her so much. Her first owner and I email as well, as she misses her so much also. I send updates and pictures for them about every month or so.

I agree with everyone that it is hard to understand why this woman is choosing the dog over the bird, but I also feel she is doing what she feels is in the best interest of Rocky. After all, she says, her husband doesn't really like the bird......who knows what that really means.

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I agree we dont know the situation and we as a group love our babys so much we cant fathom anything different I understand changes in enviroment,financial, hardships,sick family.. what I felt from the post was one pet for another and it did not sit well with me...

mabey there is other circumstances but it is still hard to understand but I am not in her shoes.

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Those poor people. You feel a little like you're taking their child away, even if it is for the best. The love is there, they just don't know what they're getting into.


I still send Gryph's person emails and photos too, if only to put her mind at rest that she found a good home for him. It makes me feel better as well.

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I call things like I see them. They stated they were getting rid of the bird due to the new doggy they got.


If that had not been stated, I would not have commented as I did. I still feel the same. :evil:


For people that just want to get rid of any pet to serve their own selfishness, I will never relent in letting them know my disdain.


For people I see in bad situations that were completely unavoidable, heart broken at having to give their Grey they consider as I child, I cry with them in their distress.



Penny - Your not crazy, your addicted and have a lot of love to give. :-)


If I lived near-by, I would go get him....

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Woah woah woah woah woah. Mom are you serious? We might be getting another grey? :woohoo: :woohoo:


{Nature-0002008E} yay!!!


haha I wouldnt kill you....well the other 2 might. :silly:





ETA- when you told me to check the thread out i thought it was cause there was a big to-do or something, not this. :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2008/11/26 00:16

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