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Advice on Taking My Grey Outdoors


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Does anyone have experiences to share about backpack-carriers, stroller-carriers, harnesses, etc.? My Timneh is clipped, but partially flighted. Don't want to take stupid risks but I'd love to get him some fresh air and sunshine on a regular basis. I do short hikes frequently.

Have you bought/used a carrier, harness? Do they work well?

Greg (Mingus)

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I use the wingabago carrier from Northern parrots. Its a clear carrier with a stainless steel door. the birds love it as they can see everything out the carrier.


Some of the latest back backs look really good though. A carrier or harness is the safest way.:)


Please update and let us know what you find in your search for a suitable carrier.



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We got a celltei backpack (custom for a Congo AG) and like it very much.


We also plan to train Ursula to wear an Aviator harness (it will take some doing to get her to accept it, but it's a gradual process) so we can take her outside without the carrier. The Aviator harness comes with a DVD that shows you how to train the bird to wear it, step by step. Being outside - not in a carrier - is a completely different experience for her and we hope she'll enjoy it someday.


Hey - a related question - what kind of weather is it OK to take a parrot out in? In the winter in Portland it is rainy, windy and in the mid forties. I am guessing that we will need to wait to bring her out for extended periods until the spring? It seems like the contrast between indoor and outdoor temps would be problematic, but maybe not?

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I want to get one of those adventure paks for my birds as well I have a small travel cage that is light weight and great for car trips but I'd love to have something like a backpack to take on walking trips to the beach or park or just to take them for a walk when I take the dogs for a walk. My birds have an outside cage for at home and a trvel cage for going out but no back pack or easy carrier that I could just walk with them I've seen the adventure packs advertized but Tyco is a very large bird for a Grey and I don't know if she would be comfortable in that or not. If any one has one that also has a large Grey I would be innterested in hearing your coments. Linda you said you have one for Maxi is it big enough for Tanner also.

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No, Pat, Tanner's tail won't fit! In fact I really feel like a large CAG would be a little cramped in one. I know they have made them slightly larger since I bought Maxi's (like a inch) and they have started using a larger perch diameter, but I feel like my older one is just about right for Max, and she's pretty petite even for a Timneh (260 g).


I don't really have a good solution for Tanner yet - kind of glad that I have the winter to keep my eye out. Let me know if you see something, okay?

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BTW Mary and I are also planning on using the winter to try to harness-train both Max and Tanner. I have one Aviator so far and will be getting another. Maxi is getting more comfortable with me touching her body and wings (and Tanner's got a jump on her in that department), so that's another option we are working on.

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I like the Avian Adventures, especially because it fits a Timneh well. Do you actually wear in on your back (looks bulky, but safer than the ones with screen mesh).

I'll probably also experiment with a harness, since they are pretty cheap and the payoff could be wonderful.

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We have the harness that we used with our Ekkie, and are hoping to use with Spencer. It's the Aviator harness. I think this is good for taking your friend out in a yard or park. I am leary of using it for walks. It has a long leash, so if you're walking on a sidewalk and your friend gets spooked, he could easily land in the street. You also should be aware of predator birds. Luckily, there aren't many predator birds around our apartment's airspace :lol:


The Aviator does allow your friend to fly, that's a plus.



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Preditor birds are a huge problem where I live there is a wild bird sancuary just down the street we have tons of Hawks and Bald Eagles everywhere. So a harness around here would be just to dangerous. Even when the birds are out on my sundeck you can see the hawks circleing I always sit right beside my birds when they are out there. The hawks are not afraid of humans and if my birds where not in a cage I'm sure they wouldn't hesitate to grab one of my birds right off my shoulder. The preditor birds are gorgous to watch and there are always tons of people comeing to the lake to take pictures of the Bald Eagles fishing they sit in the trees on the edge of the water sometimes there are 20 or 30 Eagles sitting in one tree waiting for a fish to come close to the top of the water. Its wonderful and beautiful to watch but I certinaly wouldn't want to see one of my baby's In the Talons of any of those birds. I'll keep my birds saftly in a cage no harness for my birds.

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