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It was all worth it


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I am so proud of myself and Shadow I could burst. Since my last post of I can't take it anymore which was concerning his screaming and other issues I was having. Well it got bad, screaming, not wanting to eat, losing weight, tipping off his feathers, you name it he did everything to push my buttons...Well I did the ignoring and leaving the room, at times I had tears rolling my checks wondering where I went wrong~~ well I started trying out other things, when he would whistle, cluck, try to form words, I would get excited mimic back and kept telling him what a good bird he was, I also do 30 minutes a day now where I will play music, sing, dance around and i would let him scream his beak off, after the 30 minutes I tell him ok now indoor voice, and its working! He gets his screaming out of his system, I get to be loud with him and he is so much more happier, when I come home now he sits on his perch and is quite so i will say hello to my dogs, put my things down and then go to him and tell him what a good boy being quite for mommy and I let him out! With the food issues, I started pretending I was eating his healthy food, making a big fuss, and when he would walk over to peek at what I had I told him nope it's mine, well that drove him crazy, he HAD to have it, well he has now re gained his weight and looking so much better. Its like I have a new bird, I do think some of his issues came from me because I am dealing with a TON of stress and he was feeding off of me, but I have now relized that worrying will not change a thing so my mood has lifted a bit as well, and with him being such a good bird its make me so much more happier!!!!!I also got one of those lighting systems and put it on 3-4 days a week, for about a hour to hour and a half, he seems to have slowed down on the tipping off of his feathers now, so I am hoping we are back on track. I stuck it out, tried everything and we are now closer then ever...


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I am so glad you stuck it out, its so common to just get fed up and start to lose the loving relationship. You should be very proud of yourself. I wish all people realized the commitment made just like a marraige for better or worse. Great job to you !!

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Barbara I am so proud of you. It is not easy coping with a grey who is demanding every bit of your attention like Shadow was.I remember the post well. It looks like the 30 mins a day total interaction with Shadow has really helped calm down the situation.Keep up the good work but remember some days will always be a trial. I really feel both of you have come a long way. Keep us updated often. Sheila

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What great news! I'm very happy to hear things have improved with Shadow. It's a great update- now aren't you glad you hung in there and worked things out instead of giving up on your little friend? If only more people with bird problems came to this forum for help..... there would be far less birds in shelters and looking for new homes.

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I'm so glad that shadow has decieded screaming with mom is allot more fun then screaming for her. He has a wonderful Mom who has brilliantly fixed a very big problem. I'm sure Shadow looks forward to that 30 minutes of screaming with you and if your are feeling stressed it will also help you to get some of those feelings out also. Ilove a happy ending and I'm so glad that you and Shadow are working together to get the problems in your relationship Ironed out good for you I'm so happy for you and shadow

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What a wonderful update about your relationship with Shadow and how much things have improved!


This is what this forum is all about, sharing advice and giving positive instruction and guidance when someone needs a little help as we all do from time to time.


Karma to you for your brilliant work with Shadow I do hope that things continue to get better. You have done a brilliant job!



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Congratulations Barbara!!


You put a lot of time, thought, energy and effort into figuring out what was wrong and how to overcome it. Every case is different as is every Grey. You found the key to his heart, mind and soul. It sounds like your methods are not only working for your Grey, but also in helping to lift your spirits as well.


Karma to you for such a valiant effort and accomplishment!! :-)

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