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New heights for Tyco and I


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It looks like Tyco's and my Relationship has soared to new Heights She was mad at me for 2 days after I took her to the vet and of course Like us all I tryed to bribe her to get her to talk to me again I bought her a couple new toys and made her favorite things to eat. She was so mad she wouldn't even take a treat from me. Then after she finally forgave me our relationship changed. she comes to me now rather than me haveing to go to her she wants to be with me all the time. she snuggles and kisses and wants scritches constantly. mabie it was the trip to the vet because I sat her cage on the front seat beside me and tryed to keep her feeling as secure as possible. I had to make a few stops that day and I never left her by herself I took her in with me. I actually thought she was enjoying her time out. Then when we got home and she wouldn't talk to me. I thought she was just mad and wasn't going to talk to me ever again. Then she pulls a total 360 go figure birds. Anyway I just wanted to tell you all about whats happened and if this is the kind of reation you get when You take your bird to the vet I should have taken her a long time ago.

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Thats Great news Pat, Congratulations!!


Isn't that odd, first she acted like you destroyed any trust and relationship you had started to build. The BAM she loves you and wants closeness, scratches, cuddles etc.


Damn, just like a woman. I still haven't figured them out. :P

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That's great, Pat, and so funny! They are almost as bad as cats sometimes. :evil: Do you think Tyco's switcheroo has anything to do with Gizmo coming out of quarantine and joining your bird room? Like maybe she is trying to make sure she keeps her rank with you? Whatever the cause, I'll bet BOTH you and Tyco are feeling better for it! Maybe you told her how all of us said she was the most beautiful grey...:silly:

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I certianly found out that she has a stubborn streak. It was kind of funny the way she was acting but I didn't dare laugh in front of her that would have made thing even worse. She would make a point of giving my daughter kisses and attention right in front of me and then if I walked over she would turn her back and walk away if I gave her a walnut she would drop it then my daughter would give her one and she would take it and eat it. She was just mad. I could tell she still loved me becuase she would try to make me jealous she finally decided after a couple new toys that she was going get over it. I guess she missed her goodnight scritches and kiss good night. So now she making up for it in a very big way. I'm sure she will settle down and things will get back to normal but right now its nice to see her being so affectionate. I don't think it really has anything todo with Gizmo she hasn't shown any intrest at all. Fergie is the only bird that showed any kind of intrest and now that she has met him she's fine with him. My birds adapt fairly quickly to new flock members. They are all pretty excepting and laid back about it. Just one big happy family sometimes I forget the pecking order and Fergie lets me know real quick that she's first but other than that every body gets along great.

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