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My baby died


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About 30 minutes ago we found my 5 year old parakeet,Poppy, dead in his cage. My mom was cooking on Teflon, which she has done many times before, making sure it didn't get too hot and making sure the oil covered the pan. He was my life. He said over 100 phrases and was always there to cheer me up.


His poop was looking stringy the last couple of days, yet he was acting fine.


I guess my question would be this...Can parakeets get worms or is there anything specifically that would make his poop stringy?


I lost a piece of my life today and I'm not sure how to get over this. Any ideas?

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I am so sorry for your loss I know how hard it is to lose a good friend. I recently lost a very good friend of mine do to a tragic accident. All I can say is that in time it gets easier to live with. and mabie when your ready you can get yourself another bird. It won't be the one you lost but it may help fill the gap if you have a new friend to give your love to. I don't know about stringy poop so I can't help you there. mabie he was just sick. Birds are very good at hiding their illnesses so there is a good chance you would not even notice if he was sick until he was very very sick. This is not your fault and if it was the teflon pan then if you get a new companion when your mom is cooking with teflon you should take him right away from the area and play with him in your room until your mom finishes cooking. Your birds lungs work differently then ours and they will die from certain things very quickly. Thats why miners use canarys in mines to see if there is any hiden gases the bird will die very quickly where it would take us allot longer. If you do get another bird mabie you could ask your mom to use stainless steel or cast iron for cooking. It would definatly help not to put your bird in needless danger. Take heart your little bird flys free over rainbow bridge he will be waiting there for you.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/11/24 10:51

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Thank you everyone. This morning I am doing better...I got out of the house and went to class. I just can't go home because I'm reminded too much of Poppy.

I'm trying to talk my mom into getting another pet to ease her pain. She is taking it really hard and since she is home all day, she was really attached and has no where to get away from the house.

She doesn't want another bird bc she's afraid it will die and I told her you can't think like that.

Birds are so fragile, and that is the problem that she has.

Just keeping everyone informed.

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers.

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oh i am so sorry to hear of your loss my thoughts are with u at this sad time i know its no consolation but time is the only healer i myself lost my grey and i thought i would nva get ova him i still think bout him and have since got a new grey called charlie and often call him alfie but the memories you have are the best and noone can take them away from u will be thinking of u .

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I am so sorry Poppy is no longer with you. Let you and your mum have a bit of time before deciding on another pet. Often when you are still so upset the wrong decision can be made. I am sure in time you will feel a bit better,then you can make a choice. Good luck and Godbless.

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