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A very interested in this debate I do know from our vet that dirty monkey nuts as we call them here is dangerous for our parrots as they can cause disease.When we got our charlie the amazon she was not well and we took her to the vet to find out what was wrong with her,he took some blood and x-rays and various tests too,and he asked us if we fed her dirty food such as peanuts,and sunflower seeds,we said no she came to us like this we did not know what was wrong with her as she had water coming down her nose and not going up on her perch,she was diagnois with ASPERGELLIOUS disease due to being fed dirty food and not looked after properly that was 6 yrs ago and beleive it or not she is still here with us to this day for how long nobody knows each day as it comes with her,one day fine the other bad,breathing like somebody having an asthma attack and gasping for breath this is due to dirty peanuts.So please make sure that the nuts you give are clean on the outside please,dirty or rotten in the bid.

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Thanks for sharing that with us and explaining it so well. When I first got my grey I heard a lot of bad things about peanuts but noticed all the pet stores I went into were offering them so I was very confused. I finally asked and they said about what you said above.


They also said that since peanuts are grown in the ground, for one, the dirt is not good for them but also has moisture in it which can lead to mold inside the shell.


I am not sure if the peanuts they offer in the pet stores have been roasted to get all the moisture out but am assuming so.


Karma to you for taking such good care of Charlie. He probably wouldn't still be around if it weren't for you. {Feel-good-000200BB}

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I just dont buy pet grade peanuts.


If a Bird food I buy has them I dig them out and throw then away.


I buy a bag of roasted peanuts from the grocery store because of the moisture like mentioned above and they are FDA approved which has more strict policies in place than pet grade foods for the most part.

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My vet said human grade are ok...as a treat...I do feed them in the shell though...do you think shelled are better...means Tiki would get less as there are usually 2 per shell and then I could give just one at a time...and he will most likely lose most of it to the ground...he doesn't like any other nuts though...and I do not feed any kind of seed mixture...I get Lafeber berries...that's it for seed

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Human grade peanuts are processed in order to kill off any aspergillous that may be on the shell. people can get that disease so that's why they're processed in order to ward off disease. Birds are prone to this disease too. You can give the whole peanut to yor bird but it'll take about 5 sec to break the shell to get to the peanuts. Shelled peanuts are also fine. They should be unsalted. They won't produce any weight problems for greys becauses greys don't have a weight problem. They can also be given to other species too. Small birds like them. Human grade tastes better. Any that come in parrot mix should be thrown away. They're not cooked.


PS----I should also added this yesterday


it's alright to give peanuts as long as everything is proper about them. Cooked, clean, purchased from stores that always deal in decent food of all types.

Talon spoke of her vet who said *no peanuts ever*. well, he says that because he doesn't know how good they are, where they were purchased, what general quality they are, how many are given.

The reason he's saying that is because he's taking the better safe than sorry attitude which all vets should do but don't.

But there's another side to giving nuts. People give peanuts because they like to watch the bird break the shell and eat them but as I said, it takes about 3 sec for the bird to break the shell open. So people sometimes don't see the capabilities of the bird. For those bird's that like almonds, you see a surgical procedure which will take about 15 to 20 min to accomplish with almonds and almonds are good for birds. They don't need to be given in a tiny quantity and my belief is that they shouldn't have to perform in order to get them.

So here's 3 almonds from 3 different greys and their surgical procedure. it's fun to watch them totally concentrate on doing this. Notice how all of the almonds have had successful surgery.



DSCN0013.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/01/08 19:15

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