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regurgitation of OLD food.


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This morning, as I was saying good morning to Schroeder, he was a nice people owner and decided to regurgitate the entire contents of his crop into my hand. He was so proud! While I typically get a tiny big of barfevery couple of months, I got a ton today....so I have 2 questions:


He gets a wellness check every 6 months and at our last visit the vet said that he is very healthy and everything is awesome. Schroeder has not been acting or looking odd, he has not been losing weight, he has been active and hungry and....normal. Since he did this this morning and he spent yesterday on a playstand or on my shoulder, I know he didnt get into anything he shouldnt have. Is a large expulsion form the crop normal? Has this happened to anyone else? There was a tad bit over 1/4th of a cup of vomit. (I measured and have it in the freezer to ask the vet about on Monday if it seems like the thing to do)


Also, and this is the strange bit....there was food in there that he ate over a month ago. Schroeder is only fed by me. he will not take food from anyone else, even if I am standing there. My husband and I have an agreement that he will not feed Schroeder, so I have a good idea of what goes in and that he doesnt get too much of something. Of course, there are exceptins for training rewards (chopped sunflower seeds and safflower seeds only) So when I say that the food is over a month old I KNOW it is. I gave schroeder rinsed off baby corn ears a month ago when we had steamed veggies with a chinese food order and it was the only time he has ever had them. I was surprised it was in the regurgitation mix today. I would have thought that it would have been digested by now. It was still bright yellow, did not have an odd smell to it....How did it stay down there for so long without getting funky?

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You've got me stumped Jen. You sure someone didn't sneak some corn to him? ;-)


I can not image it staying "As New" condition for a month. :-)


In regards the quantity and not showing in the crop, he must have a hidden fanny pack under his wings. ;-)

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