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Air Purifier?


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I have allergies to contend with, so I went all out and invested in an IQ Air. It's the last step in portable air purification before you have to consider a whole house unit. A less expensive, but highly rated unit is the Austin Air. A few of the bird magazines have recommended the Austin in the past. There are many others, but those are the two that I'm familiar with and trust.


Whatever you choose, just do your research. Many of the so-called HEPA filters on the market aren't worth the electricity they displace. The filter itself might be rated very efficient, but the seal around the filter is typically the weak point. Air will take the path of least resistance, hence it'll just sneak around that highly efficient filter.


Two other factors to consider when doing your research is the volume of air it can displace per hour (consider the size of your room) and how quiet it operates.

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Also remember that any air filter that you purchase will not be effective according to directions unless it's used in a totally ENCLOSED room. Each unit that's sold has sq. footage size and dimensions that it's made for. Most come with an automatic cut off. A cut off will only work in an enclosed room. I feel the same way that Kaedyn does. Most arent worth the money because the intake isn't powerful and it's very easy for dusty air to go around the filter instead of in the filter. If you're thinking about this for purifying air in a bird, you won't be doing that. Any filter you use will pull in dusty air and expel air that cleaner but not purified. The size of the dust can be as small as .003 microns. Any dust that's larger will fall to the ground. Much of a grey's dander is too heavy to float in the air. Only the fine dust of the dander will. The heavier dust will simply fall down and land on whatever. Everyone will tell you how dusty their bird area is on a constant basis even if there's a purifier/ cleaner in the room. That's all heavy dander that just falls down. So basically, what you're looking for is a machine that will draw the dusty air in. The dust gets stuck to a filter then the clean air zips out the back and recirculates to immediately intermingle with dust. As far as using those machines in a grey area, it's best to unengage the cut off because when the machine temporarilty stops, the grey light dander simply fall to the floor and when the machine kicks in again, it won't lift that dander back into the air.

A purifier will only be a purifier if it's in an already clean ENCLOSED room. There's always microscopic dust in the air but the machine pulls it in and filters it and shuts off. That type of dust never falls to the ground.It takes a bit of time for dust to build up again and when the machine kicks in, it starts the procedure again.

A parrot room is never clean. The dust is in the air all the time. Parrot dust is heavy and can't float for long distances. Purifiers don't have the strength to pull in air that is dirty with heavy dust. That type of cleaning is usually the vacuum's job. I'm only telling you this so that you know how a purifier works in a bird's room as opposed to the same purifier working in a room that has no birds. You may be buying a purifier but in a bird's room, it simply acts like an exhaust machine which has filters attached that will intercept the dust.

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  • 4 months later...

Air purifier is held responsible in removing the contaminants in the air. Air purifiers are used in homes with tenants who suffer from allergies and asthma. It controls the air pollutants that can evoke allergy and asthma attacks. Tobacco smokes are also eliminated by air purifiers.


Sanuvax Technologies is one of the companies that cater to air purifications. The company makes use of ultraviolet technology in their machines. The aim of making use of the ultraviolet light in the air purifiers is to efficiently and effectively treat the air. The machines made by the Sanuvox technology are good for commercial and home use. One product of Sanuvox Technology is S300 HFX HEPA/UV Air Purifier.



Air Purifier

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