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Newbie cage question

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Hello, all. I've been lurking in the articles for some time now, and thought I should introduce myself. I'm Michael, and my girlfriend Christine and I are currently in the process of adopting of TAG from an avian rescue center. We've passed the initial application, bonded well with our (hopefully) bird during a visit, and the home visit is next. As such, it's definitely time to start thinking about housing for the little guy.


I wanted to ask everyone's opinion on this cage I found. The low price compared to its large size gives me pause that there may be something amiss, and I would love some feedback before I order, on the cage, manufacturer and/or web site.




Many thanks,all, who contribute to such a wonderful site...



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It's an ok cage, but it seems a bit small. TAGS, despite their smaller stature, don't know theyre small and are pretty active.


My TAG has a larger cage and uses every square inch of it. I even have toys hanging off of the side and he gets around. he is not a perch potato. Perhaps your TAG is a bit older or less inclined to get all over. You may want to ask the people at your bird rescue what they think about the cage and if the bird you intend to bring home will need some extra room. There are many threads regarding cage websites on this site that you may find useful if it turns out that you would like something larger.


On the other hand, it seems to be a good cage for the price and most of the customer reviews were quite positive.

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Hello Michael and welcome to the family, so glad you could finally join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this grey.


I am so pleased you are willing to take a rescued grey as most people would prefer a baby, including me. An older bird that has had previous owners may come with baggage that may make it more difficult for you to bond with and learn to trust you. It may take more time and patience to win the heart of this grey but you will reap many rewards.


Rehomed and rescued greys can make excellent pets if you are willing to overlook a few possible bad habits but they still continue to learn and if you are willing to make the lifetime committment then you are doing the right thing.


I agree, a bigger cage is necessary for them to be able to spread their wings and not touch the sides especially if you have to leave it in the cage during the time you are at work or otherwise not home.


As you have already looked thru some of our threads please continue to do so for lots of useful information and do ask questions and we will help you in any way we can.


The first chance you get to get some pictures of this grey please share some with us so we can see him too.

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Hi Michael, congratulations on your wanting to re-home a grey. Would luv to see some pictures if you have any you would like to share. Have you looked into the EZ Care playtop from Pet Solution, they have them on sale for $279 and the whole front of the cage opens for easy cleaning. Good luck on your cage search and welcome to the family.

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Behold, the glory of Gregory! This is Christine, my girlfriend, and Gregory bonding during our first visit.


No worries, we've considered the fact that a shelter bird might be a little less...forgiving, shall we say, than a baby bird, but this is still a very young animal, about two years, brought to the shelter almost immediately after weaning due to the death of his owner. Other than contact with the very excellent workers at the shelter, he would have had very few opportunities to pick up bad behaviors.


We're now considering this cage for young Gregory...

http://www.queencitypets.com/9003223.asp parrot_times_011.jpg


EDIT: And thank you for the excellent cage suggestion. We're now in a debate between added height with a dome top or less height but with play top.<br><br>Post edited by: gecko_dance, at: 2008/11/23 03:28


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"""""We're now in a debate between added height with a dome top or less height but with play top.""""""


It'a good idea to check into a flat top cage with playstand. The bird doesn't need that type of height that comes with round top although many people are satisfied with a dome cage. Rectangular cages are best for greys. Lots of things can be hanged from cage ceiling. They enjoy walking upside down on the interior ceiling.


Approx size-

CAG(without play top) 55H x 33W x 28D

TAG(without play top) 55H x 28W x 24D


Both cages will be approx 8 inches higher with top.

The bigger cage cage is good for CAGs and TAGs

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Welcome Michael, Christine and soon to come Gregory!!


You have done a GreYt thing in checking out rescues instead of running out and buying a baby Grey. Kudos to you!!


The others have given expert cage advice and opinions. Thanks for posting the photo of Gregory and Christine. :-)


Looking forward to hearing lots of updates as the day draws near to bring Gregory home and cage selection. :-)

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