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Cooper 2 1/2 week progress report


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Cooper has been with us for 2 1/2 weeks now. For those who don't know he is a 1 1/2 yellow head amazon we rescued.


He is coming along really good but has us baffled in some ways too. He is coming and going from his cage all day long. He has learned the step up command. He hesitates at first but then goes ahead and steps up. He is not afraid of us at all which is really good but He does not like to be touched on his feathers at all :( He makes little crying noises if we try to pet his wings, chest or back and will try to get away if he can. He will let us touch the very top of his head finally but I know he don't like it. He does allow us to pet his beak. He hasn't shown much interest in biting us. He will get our fingers in his beak but wont bite down.


He loves to play!!! We will take him out and put him on the floor and dump colored blocks and he has a blast with them. If we pick one up he will run over to us and take it out of our hands:laugh:


I have been setting him on my lap with a toy and he loves doing that too. He will run up and down my legs. If I play with his toys he gets mad and has to get it back. He doesn't like to be petted but at the times he is playing he will grab our hands with his feet and bump into them with his body but still he does not want to be petted. He is totally comfortable with us as long as we don't touch:(


He will say an occassion hello or hi mainly to my husband. This only happens in the mornings or late at night though.


Any time we turn something on with a motor especially the vaccuum cleaner he gets really really vocal. He knows quite a few words. He talks and talks and then he laughs hysterically and then will cry exactly like a real baby. He does not stop untill the motor or vacuum is turned off.


We do listen to music alot here but we did not get a reaction from him untill we put on country music. Then there he goes again. he won't shut up:laugh: . More talking, laughing & baby crying.


We were making toys the other night and he was so much into that. We brought him on the table with us and he was into everything. There was so much stuff to play with he didn't know what to play with first.


He seems to have a short attention span, too. He will be doing one thing and then all the sudden it's off to do another. I will put a new toy in his cage and he will play with it and hang from it and tear it up as much as he can, after the initital play he doesn't show much interest anymore.


I guess he is really doing good but I was wondering a couple of things about him. Why won't he ease up and let us pet him and what should we do to be able to pet him. Keep forcing it? And I was wondering why does he mainly only talk when there is other noise like country music or vacuum cleaners, mixers, washing machine, etc?


He has quite a few words..He says Hello, Hi, Hi bird, Hello bird, Oh my God, What are you doing, Old MacDonald Bird eieio:lol: , and a few other things...Oh yea, he is starting to say Cooper now too:) Of course all these words only come out if we are running the vacuum or something. All in all I think he is coming along really good.


Just thought I'd give you guys and update on his and wondering if anyone had an suggestions so we could get him used to being petted? And do you think he will only talk with a motor running? He talks right in front of us as long as there is noise in the background.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/11/22 22:31

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I think if you can touch his head now just to start there thats where his comfort zone is. and then once he's totally comfortable with that start going a little further with it as his comfort zone get larger do the samething with him that you did with Baxter only start where he's comfortable that seems to be the top of his head. When I first got Tyco She would only allow me to rub her beak. Then one day she put her head down and let me touch her head but only for a second . everyday that second turned to 2 seconds and then a minute and now I can sritch her head neck face everywhere but I had to do it on her terms Just start where he is and take it from there. I hope things work out I'm glad he's doing so well in every other way.

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  • 1 month later...

Cooper has been with us about 2 months now and boy has he ever settled in. He has turned out to be such a character. I was worried at first that he would talk or make noises unless we had the vaccuum or something like that turned on because he didn't make much sounds unless there was a background noise. But then one day, he let out a loud yell when the house was really quiet which really caught us off guard. We didn't know what happened but that was just the beginning of his sounds and he hasn't shut up since:laugh: So be careful what you ask for cuz it just might happen:silly:


I think that was his real turning point. He still seems to like us both but he steps up more readily for my husband. He will even throw his head down for head scratches and let my husband rub his head. He let me rub his head for the first time last week. It was such an honor and I thanked him for it:)


He still loves to play with his toys and spends alot of his time playing. He loves to chew so we try to always have a wood block that he can tear up or he will go find some somewhere else in the house. :blink:


If he sees something interesting he has no trouble climbing down the cage, getting on the floor, walking several rooms to get it and take it back to his cage. He doesn't leave his cage to go investigate things (yet) but he will leave his cage to go get something if he thinks it might be fun. :lol:


He loves to have conversations with me and will talk or make noises back at me. I will says something or make a noise and he answers me back and he gets so excited!!! And then he just busts out with his laughing noises and it cracks me up every time. He is loud too. Not screaming but anything he says is projected very well. If he wants our attention he will call to us by saying Helloooo Hellooooo, hiiiii, hellooooo


He has learned his name Cooper, he came kind of singing Old MacDonald...His version is Old MacDonald...Farm...EIEIOOOOO. we are working on the "had a" farm and he is starting to do it sometimes. My husband always goes up to his cage or when he sees him will go "Da Da Dah" like a grand entrance and Cooper picked up on that really quick. He is forever singing and never gets tired of singing Da Da Dahhhhhh over and over and over again:laugh: :blink:


I also thought it would be neat to if he could tell me when he was hungry (big mistake) Every time I get ready to give them their food or at night when I give them their cooked foods I will tell him over and over Hungry? Hungry? Hungry? Well, he learned that too. Now if we are eating or cooking or doing something that pertains to food all I hear is HUNGRYYYYY, HUNGRYYYY, HUNGRYYYYY. He knows exactly what that word means.


He loves food!! Since it is just me and my husband in the house we eat on TV trays in the living room at night. Well, now Cooper will climb down off his cage, (saying hungryyy the whole way), climb up on the legs of my husband try and doesn't stop untill he up on the tray. That was very cute but it just didn't work for us so now my husband will put him in his cage while we eat.


He loves to talk and make noises. He still laughs and hollers but the baby crying has let up a little bit. They must have had a baby where he came from.


He enjoys taking showers. The first one was a little iffy but I knew he liked it, now he just loves going in the shower.


He is turning out to be a wonderful addition to our flock. He keeps us laughing every day and we never get tired of hearing him holler sing and shout all day.


I am so glad we got him. He is such a clown and so eager to do new things. He is so curious and not afraid of anything it doesn't seem.


Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/01/12 19:33 DSCF6280.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/01/12 19:40


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Thanks you guys:)


Those poses and expressions in the photo really show him pretty accurate. He is always on the move and always looking for new adventures. He's game for anything and has no fear:woohoo: He is such a fun bird to have. We needed Cooper for all his crazy shenanigans. He's a hoot!!

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Erika, what a character Cooper has turned out to be!

He sounds like such fun! The hungry thing made me laugh, our eldest grey Charlie wont stop saying

" wheres me dinner " whenever we are eating, they are so funny.

The photos are fantastic as well. Thankyou for a great update:)

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"Where's Me Dinner" oh that is a cute one:laugh:


I forgot to mention that when Cooper is laughing hysterically, he also throws in real heart felt "Oh My God"s in between and some "Oh Wow"s. I cant help but laugh. All this fun and laughter happens daily now too.


When he's not laughing like that he sometimes moans like he is in severe pain or dying. But he's not;)

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OMG I am laughing just READING about Cooper's laughing antics!:P :laugh: :woohoo: And walking through the house to get stuff he wants to play with - I can just picture that little guy waddling from room to room. :side:


What a terrific update, Erika! and wonderful pictures, too! I have never been particularly interested in Amazons, but your stories of Cooper are enough to change my mind. He sounds like a blast to have around. What a change you have made in his life - when I think back to his curcumstances when you first found him - what a big present you have been to him, as well! It is wonderful to hear how he is blossoming in your care!<br><br>Post edited by: LindaMary, at: 2009/01/13 00:00

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Erika, you and Cooper are both blessed to have found each other and from the pictures and your commentary I don't know who is happier, guess it is a toss up, thanks for giving us such a wonderful update on Cooper and for sharing the pics of him with us, he is a sweetie.

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