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parrot lost 'VOICE'


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Hi My african grey is no longer talking and whistling.He has had this problem already this year and vet gave him baytril.He has been like this for 2 days and I have been given terramycin to put in his water. I have a very bad cold and although vets say parrots cant get colds from humans i just wonder if he has the same virus.His breathing is not too bad but he is very frustrated as he is a very good talker. please help!

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Hello Diego and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your grey, btw what is his name?


I don't have any answers to your question but we do have some very knowledgeable members here who can help you with your problem and more than willing to do so.


Please do read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of your grey you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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I am concerned by you saying his breathing is not too bad. Does this mean his breathing is not normal.I take it that he has seen a vet for this latest problem and it sounds like he has been prescribed medication.I would take him back to the vet and say you are not happy with the birds health and have some bloodwork done. He has already had this problem before and I would want to get to the bottom of the cause.I am not sure if the medication is an antibiotic or not. I have given my grey antibiotics and have given them by mouth with a syringe.

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If you have taken him to the vet already this year, maybe this time he has something totally different wrong with him and needs another type of treatment. I would take him back to the vet as quick as I could. Especially if he has quit talking and is having problems breathing. I would make an appointment immediately. It may be very serious. :unsure: Please let us know how he is doing.

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Hello Diego and welcome. I, too, am concerned about your parrot's health. Hopefully you have an avian vet in your area. Antibiotics do no good if your bird has a virus. Your vet should tell you about supportive care, how warm the room needs to be, using a heat lamp, a humidifier, supplements, even hand feeding if necessary.:ohmy:

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