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Should I cut the feeding back?


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I have a 12 weeks old african grey, I have been hand feeding him, when i got him he was on 4 feeds a day, I have now cut him back to 3 feeds a day, and I am giving him 30ml per feed.

I offer him pellets, and fresh fruit and Veg, and he dosnt seem to be intrested, he is just waiting for me to feed him.

Should I stay on 3 feeds a day?, and should I start to decrease the amount i am giving him?like maybe cut back to 25ml 3 times a day.

Thanks hope someone can help.

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Hi eckylover,


How long have your baby grey? What has he been eating?

Is he eating any pellets?

Above is a guide to feeding a baby grey, this should give you some guidelines to feeding your 12 week old baby. Remember though, this is just a guide and babies will wean at different ages.

Make sure you continue to offer the pellets, you can moisten these if your grey wont accept them dry, this is what I had to do with one of mine and he took a few weeks before he accepted them in his diet. Also continue to offer the veggies and fruit. Have you tried to spoonfeed some soft warm foods like mashed sweet potato?

I will find some links on offering new foods to your baby, good luck and keep us all posted with his progress.



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Hello Eckylover- you may also try a little trick I used with my TAG when having trouble weaning him. I would make a bowl of brown rice with mixed veggies, whatever kind you like, for example carrots, zucchini, peppers, kale... Sit down with your bird and eat it with him. Let him watch you eating and enjoying the foods. The curiosity will get the better of him and he may just have a moment where he realizes "Oh, that's good, I'm supposed to eat it!" Parrots in the wild learn from watching the adult birds around them and I think sometimes we have to set an example as their parents would. It really helped me with my TAG so maybe it will help you.

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