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not wanting to step up


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Sometimes Charlie doesnt want to step up.. he will move away from me and nip to avoid me I thought well okay he wants to be left alone... take a hit marie. And he doesnt want to go into his cage at all... that is becoming interesting to say the least... crabs the bars and/ or anything with in reach including me and I am having to pry him loose to get him in... gently of course... but as he gets bigger I would think that would get harder to do...


but I was reading in the companion parrot books (mattie sue athan). That it was better if they learned to step up at all times...to help keep them in control if they become upset..which makes since to me also... like when you teach a child to behave... you know that final look like I have had enough... and they know to behave...


what do you guys think?


I think he is doing fine other then that. he eats good and I still feed him formmula once a day... plays fine, stays on his cage mostly... occasionally he will glide down... I am concerned that he hits the floor to hard...but he doesnt seem to hurt himself none.. he likes to sit in the living room on his playstand while we are in there. and the dog is getting used to him and him to the dog.. no problem there.. I actually think they will become friends..always supervised of course. When he flys to the floor, the dog runs to him and just looks at him. like oh your okay and walks away.


Post edited by: rierie, at: 2008/11/22 07:12


Post edited by: rierie, at: 2008/11/22 07:18<br><br>Post edited by: rierie, at: 2008/11/22 15:01

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I have read that alot also. They need to step up on command (every time) but I am wondering if anyone has a grey that will step up every single time they are asked.


Baxter usually steps up for me but there are times he just doesn't want to also. I figure he's entitled to his opinion too so I don't force it, unless it is necessary...then I use the strict stern voice and he eventually submits. ;) But no he doesn't step up for me every time. I have had him since July and he has gotten so much better. I'd say he steps up for me atleast 90% of the time now.


For awhile when he was up on his cage and I wanted him to step up for me, he wouldn't do and go to another area of his cage on top:angry: ....He was higher than I was and guess felt a little superior so I would have to get a chair and stand on it to get him. That worked every time for me. I guess he knew I was serious then and stepped right up then, kinda like "Why didn't you say so":laugh: .


But when he went through his time when he didn't want to...I had to get the chair. I seem to be doing much less of that now, thank goodness:)

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I agree with Baxtersmom.


As they mature or if they are already mature, they do have a mind and will of their own. There are times that we may simply want them to step up for just a little loving. The timing may be bad for them and they want to continue preening, playing, eating or whatever it is they are focused on. By backing away, running or whatever action they take to avoid it. They are letting us know it's not really what they wish to do at that time.


I do not know of any Parrot that will step up 100% of the time when asked to do so. They may exist, but I just haven't ran into them so far. Thus meaning that probably 95% have a mind of their own and will not blindly do something just because we decide we want them to do something else.


There are times it is a "Must Do" and thats when the back of a tightened fist comes towards them that they can not get a good bite on and they are forced to step up they can be moved where need be. They will also learn to read your body language and temperament and know when it's not an optional request. :-)

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