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hey everyone reading this.


My name is karla and i'm 22 years old, i just got african grey it hasn't been sexed yet but we've named him/her Tequila...


Tequila is now 7 (I edited this) weeks old. Today is only the second day Tequila is home with us and i'm allready attached!!! I love my new baby and wouldn't want anything to happen to her/him.


Can you guys please give me a few tips and tricks on how to feed tequila and what is she supposed to eat and how often should i feed her. The people i bought her/him from gave me something too feed her almost like porridge. how old must she be when i feed him/her something new and what should i give him/her? How old are they when they start eating at their own?


Please guys i really would appreciate it as this is my first baby bird!


PS excuse my english and spelling mistakes english isn't my first language.


Thanx so much.


Karla<br><br>Post edited by: Karla, at: 2007/06/24 16:36

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Congratulations! Wow, 4 weeks is young. Have you ever hand fed before? did the breeder give you any advice? And do you have a thermometer to test the temp. of the food. You have to be very careful so it's not too hot.

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Holy cow.. 4 weeks IS really young.. Better watch this one close.. Call a VET and find out everything you need to do. I would bet that they wouldn't approve of giving a new grey owner a 4 week old...


But now that you have him you certainly can get the info you need right here.. Search around and ask questions.. Also, don't forget to post a photo in our photography section. I want to see this young thing.

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Welcome to the forum. Yeah like CeasarsDad said search the forum there is lots of info. And if you need anything just ask. :P


My MAX is 12 weeks old, and what my breeder told me is that I need to feed him the formula 3 times a day, food must be the right tempreture. MAX will pull away when he has had enough food. I clean his face after each feed coz it is so messy to feed them. he he he


He started to eat his feggies tonight. :)

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They are all different. We got Talon at 9 weeks old. And she was fully weaned. They are all different, but at 4 weeks, I'd definately get as much info as possible and definately get advice asap from an avian vet. You have to be careful not to get too much food in their crop.

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Hi Karla,

From everything I've read about the subject, the raising of unweaned birds should be left to those with a lot of experience. It requires special equipment and isn't really the sort of thing that you can simply read about and successfully do. Check this link for some basic idea of what you need to know:




I've read some very sad strories of baby birds that died of such conditions as crop burn and impaction. (Both the result of having been sold too young to inexperienced owners). I think you'd do best to contact a local breeder of Greys and ask him/her if they would be willing to raise the bird for you (for a fee) at least until it reached 12 weeks of age. Please consider this seriously.

Take care and let us know how it goes.

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I agree with your advice. It is very scarey and risky if you are inexperienced with hand-feeding. I hope Karla takes your advice.


keep us posted on what you decide to do and how things are going. :dry:

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Karla, hi and welcome to the forum :)


Congratulations with your new baby. I am also very surprised he's only 4 weeks old. Wow!


I think the best treatment you can give him is to let a vet show you exactly how to handle him during this early stage of his life since I have heard handfeeding is not without danger.


Good luck and let us know how you are getting along and how Tequila is doing ;)

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thanx all you guys for all the comments....


im taking him to the vet today.

They have showed me how to hand feed and how his crop must be and that it musnt be stiff.


he is really cute so ill take him to a vet and ask him to show me everything i need to know, i wouldn't wanna let my new little baby die.


Again thanx so much and anything new please ill appreciate some more advice.


I'm also putting a pic up of tequila so you guys can see why i love tequila so much allready!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Judy,

Well so far so good... Tequila is really cute and each day I'm just more and more happy to have him around!! He really is very cute and funny. I dont know why i didn't get a grey much earlier! {Love-0002011E} Now I'm inlove with tequila.

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