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omg another newbie


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Hey there..newbie here

Just got my baby grey, had initial confidence attack but am getting over that now..just want to say everybody on here seems to be just lovely, really helpful and friendly

Lost my first grey a few months back, he took flight and we were all bereft..very hard to get over something that has no closure

But now I have Elvis..guess its a way forward from that!

Also have here, two dogs, a staffy and a border terrier, a peacock, tropical fish, a ragdoll cat, we breed lavender pekin bantams and we are raising a few Bronze turkeys..oh yeah and theres the kids lol

I hope I will get to know quite a few people, especially as it keeps me off ebay

Anyway great to be here and have good day

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Hi pugwash

Welcome to our board. Glad you joined at this time. The different holidays are just around the corner and now we'll all know who to call when we need to order turkeys,bantams for those great holidays. They do come in different sizes, right? Many people here have large families and all will be visiting each other for those special dinners. You do take credit cards, right?

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Hey lovely to hear from you all...Its funny that there are quite a few :blink: fellow brits on here but they are so backward about coming forwards..why is that???

Anyway you seem like really nice people, I am really looking forward to speaking with you further

Hey we got snow today!!!!

Still having problems with loading up a pic of Elvis but my pic of myself went on just fine

Have a great day and thanks to all who spare the time to say hi

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Hi Dave..I mean the Brits are quite reserved and dont make a habit of coming forwards to introduce themselves as readily...

"Backwards at coming forwards" is a saying we have here;)

I have a frozen turkey for you awaiting collection its minus 2 today and snowing hard

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