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Cutting edge.


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Did any members watch the Cutting Edge TV programme last night on channel 4?

It was called special needs pets and focused on lots of different pets, some with physical disabilities others which had emotional problems.


It featured 2 Cags whos Male owner had died 8 months ago, one of them was okay but the second one took it really badly. The Gentlemans wife had kept both the greys and was doing an excellent job at looking after them, their house was totally a bird house you could tell the man had dearly loved his greys.


The second Cag had plucked everywhere except his wings and kept doing repetative movements with his head. He was diagnosed as being depressed it was so sad.


The vet had to put him on a course of prozac which was reduced over time and recommended that the wife do things with the grey to stimulate him extra play and one on one time. Before the end of the show there was a definate improvement. She used to have to take the grey around the house every day to show him the husband was no longer there as he used to look for him! It was very moving and shows how bonded these birds can be with their owner.


Just thought I would share this story, I hope it has a happy ending.



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Oh what a sad story, but containing a shining hope for the Grey's with the Wife doing all she can to give them the best home possible and keeping them through it all.


Ive never heard of hat show, have check listings and see if I can find a scheduled re-run or maybe video online of it.


Thanks for sharing this Caroline!! :-)

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Yes I watched the program. It was very moving to me the way the pet keepers cared so much for their non human family members.

I thought the man who made prosthetic limbs for pets was amazing! I think he said he would fit anything from rats to elepants as well as birds.


The woman who lived with the screaming cockatoo looked a bit shell shocked!


The Cutting Edge program is available on http://www.channel4.com/watch_online/

if you have a PC (not Macs !! sob sob).


This particular program is not archived yet but it may be in a week or so


Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2008/11/21 15:46

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I watched it and I thought the lady was doing a wonderful job with her greys.


What was really sad the cockatoo plucking out his feather because he needs a mate and was lonely. The owner was encouraging the sexual behaviour and it got to a point where he would just scream. I think the owner was trying to find him a mate and build and aviary.

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Yes I watched the program. It really brought home how sensitive these exotic birds are.I felt so sad for the lady who had lost her husband,How hard must it have been for her.I did not agree with the poor rabbit.I think he was suffering a great deal and should have been put out of his missery.

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Yes Sheila, I agree about the Rabbit as well!


It must have been difficult and very strange for the lady as the Cag spoke in her husbands voice. I just couldnt imagine what that would be like!


Our birds are very dependent on us all!



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