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Sad story


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I took Tyco to the Vet today and while i was there I met this woman. She is homeless at the moment and from what I gather has been for quite awhile. the sad part about it is she's liveing in her car with 2 Macaws and an African Grey. She was at the vet getting one of her Macaws Wings Clipped because she didn't want to lose him. she also had her African Grey in to get his nails clipped. She can't find a place that she can afford that will allow her 3 birds and she said she would rather die than give them up. I almost invited her to come and stay with me until she could find a place. I don't have the room for 3 more birds though anyway I'm sure God knows who she is and I just wanted to ask if everybody here could please include her and her birds in your prayers. Her birds are absolutly gorgous I'm sure she is doing her very best to keep them that way under the circumstances. Thanks in advance for your prayers for this woman and her birds.

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Oh Pat,


This just makes you realise how lucky we are! Next time we are all having a bad day we should take a moment and think about this poor woman and her dedication, commitment and love for her birds! I feel so sorry for her. I wish there was some way to help, I will include her in my thoughts and prayers tonight.

Will you be keeping in touch with her?



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Oh what a heart rending story.The poor women.Yet still managing somehow to care for her birds.Could the vet not have helped in anyway,if only putting her intouch with someone who could help. I will most surely keep her in my thoughts and preyers.

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I used to work in a vets office and you would be surprized how many homeless people would bring their pets in for their shots or general health care. It is sad but they also bring hope to their owners and sometimes give them the will to live. They are the pride and joy of their lives. I was also amazed at how good of care they take care of their pets. I will say a prayer for all the homeless people with their pets this year. Thanks for sharing the story.

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