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what is charlie doing


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what is charlie doing when he stands on one foot and stretches the opposite wing out and then shakes....like he is shaking something off himself..



and today he wouldnt get up on my hand much... just kept moving away from me... and nipping, not really biting but just letting me know he didnt want to be bothered...


and then this evening while i was playing cards he like kept screaming at me and then he wanted me to pick him up...but I didnt I kept telling him he ignored me at play time..now was my play time...

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They are just stretchinh when they are on one foot and stretch the oppositewing. Both og my CAGs do this when they both wake up or after a nap!:laugh:


Birds have off days too you know so I wouldnnt worry about this behaviour unless of course it carries on. Sometime they too need some "me time". Mine wont step up or shuffle to the back of their cage when they want to be left alone.

Its just about reading about their body language.


As for the screaming I think that was cry for attention. Ice does something else he would throw all his food on floor when he wants my attention :blink:


Hope this helps!

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