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Air filter systems


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They are great! It is a free standing unit that you can put under the cage on the floor. Weekly maintenance consists of rinsing a small filter out. It filters out dander/dust and many bird & human ailments. It is warranted for life. You do have another filter to change about every 4 months, so there is a cost in upkeep for that. I bought 6 as we have a big house. I have one asthmatic son, so I bought one for his room. Talon also has a sleep cage and has one it that room as well.

my house is alt less dustier!! I love them, the air just smells so much cleaner as I have alot of dust where I live. Check out this website. If you call them with questions, the owner is the one to talk to you (not some operator). He will spend alot of time talking to you and answering your questions. See the link below:



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Hi Talon,

I use a Honeywell portable room filter (No ionizer). I read somewhere that ionizers can produce ozone which isn't good for birds. The system that I have consists of a carbon pre-filter and a HEPA permanent filter.

It works just fine.

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I just need to replace the carbon filter every few months. This consists of peeling away the previous sheet of carbon and rolling on a new one (very easy). As for the HEPA filter, I'm supposed to vacuum it every few months. Actually, the unit that I bought has indicator lights to let me know exactly when to do this easy maintenance work. I also like to spend time in the cage room because of the way the air smells in there and will be buying another similar air cleaner for Zoe's playroom.

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Talon wrote:

Ha HA HA! I suppose you could just insult me so I'll leave..... (you know I'm kidding!)


Now whats that suppose to mean.. :P


Sorry guys, that's an "inside joke" The way things are going around here you just may hear the story about this joke... :evil:<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/12 21:44

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:blink: Well ZD.. You are absolutely correct with that.. When I get back from Hawaii just after Memorial Day I will get one.. yeah baby, that is correct, you did hear right.. errr or I mean you did read correctly. I will be going to Hawaii next week.. You can bet I will be coming back with about .. Ohh I would say... You know something like.. In the ball park of.. Say.. A zillion photos.. :P :P :P

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Oh boy, that's right make us all jealous with your hawaii pictures. B) Aren't you also going to Las Vegas as well? Maybe you'll strike it rich there and will buy us all new top of the line cameras?! :woohoo:

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Yeah, you're right. I am going to vegas.. I have to play second fiddle to Jon Bon Jovi as we are sitting near the front for his concert there. I can see it now. Anna all hot and bothered watching this $400,000,000 man shake his .....well you know what I mean..


Did I tell you the last time we went to a Bon Jovi affair it was his 45th birthday party. It was at his brothers place in Sea Bright NJ... Just 30 minutes from where I live.. Gee isn't that special.. anyway, I had the honor of BUYING 2 of his worn shirts..


Do you know I got lucky that night.. I mean not really but at least Anna made the most of HIS CLOTHES... She SLEPT in them..


Don't anyone want to offer up some relief to this old man.. How do you spell R E L I E F.. Oh yeah, I remember now..


Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/13 04:09<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/05/13 04:09

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Did I read something about Hawaii? lol, let me know if you need any tips :-)

As for air filters, I dig the IQ air Health Pro Plus, which is clearly pricey, but covers both human and bird safety and health - also pays for itself in the absense of medical bills. Covers allergens, molecular control, odor, bacteria, and viruses. It changed life as I know it and certainly sets my mind at ease.

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, everyone, I posted these 2 pictures so you can see for yourself just how much dander and feathers are floating around your house. These are pictures of the foam filter from one air cleaner that is under Talon's play cage downstairs. (I have 3 air cleaners downstairs, and 3 upstairs)

She spends very little time in this cage, but will spend a few hours each day on the top or the outside playing.





These are foam type filters that you rinse out each week.


So, CD, if you haven't bought one yet, GO DO IT!! :silly:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ionizers are not bad for birds!!! OZONE may be bad for birds and ppl because it is a "radical" oxygen molecule. (This means it has a free pair of electrons that will "attack" other molecules and cause damage to them. ) I live with my parrot on my sailboat on the Pacific ocean and use them inside the boat. But I really don't need them because the "outside" of the boat is surrounded by lots more negative ions that are always around the ocean.


Ion generators add or change the charge of a atom or molecule to make it have a - charge. With this - charge the atom or molecule is attracted to the ground because the ground has a - charge (like attracts like). With this in mind the Ions generated by the ion generator don't get to far from the generator b4 they fall to the ground.


Hope that helped a little. :)

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