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Hi, my name is Tracie! I have a 3 year old Green Cheek Conure Sarge who I hand raised from the age of 4 weeks old. Sarge is doing GREAT!!!!


For over 15 years my dream Bird was an African Grey, my dream finely came true, 4 day's ago from the same breeder I bought an 8 week old Grey who I named Tucker. Of course I am hand feeding Tucker as well. My down fall is I keep getting on the Internet reading about Greys and getting different answers.


I'm feeding Tucker every 4 to 5 hours when the breeder had him down to 3 feedings a day. I called and talked to her about this and she said it was fine. Before bring Tucker home I would go up and feed him twice a day to make sure I had it down before bring him home. My question: Tucker is eating until his crock is satisfied instead of full IMO I feel it's because our Home and all of his surroundings are different my Breeder feels the same BUT the Internet makes me feel as if I'm doing something wrong. Can any Members please help me out here<<???


Thank You So Much!!



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What do you mean* internet makes me feel I'm doing something wrong*?


If you're hand feeding and he refuses to take anymore at that feeding, then he's had enough of that feeding session. You should continue hand feeding until he refuses one of those feedings consistently. That means that you lessen the formula feeding by one and continue to give the same if not more of the other food you're giving. You can''t overfeed a bird. They will simply stop eating. The area that fills up is called crop, not crock.

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Hi Dave- When typing questions in my search bar everyone had a different opioion on Tucker's feedings going from every 6 hours to 4 to 5 hours. It sort of made me feel as if I was doing something wrong.


I apologize for my grammar. Thank You for replying Dave you made me feel so much better!!


Tucker is in his cage now. I put a thick towel on the bottom put his perch very close to the bottom as well as his toys. Tucker is perching very well........ ( :

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Don't apologize. just wanted you to know what area was called. As far as timing at 8 weeks, start with 5 hrs. If he refuses feeding go up to every 6 hrs etc etc. The only thing you'll lose is some of the extra formula. remember that when he refuses that particular feeding, it means that his body is refusing the feeding and nature is the one who's telling him that. If he's acting good, playful, is active then every thing is good. As the bird gets older, you won't see the crop fill up as much. That's only obvious when the bird is taking large amounts of formula as a very young bird such as 4,5,6,7 weeks old. Sorry the net is giving you a hard time. We'll have a meeting here and tell the net to be nicer OR ELSE!!!


PS--just remember to let the bird decide when to decrease the feedings, not you. Some birds take longer to ease off on feedings. That's an important thing to remember. Have fun.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/11/21 00:27

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Dave- I'm feeling soooooooo much better!!!! I Thank You so much!


I'm so full of questions. I'm mixing baby food a long with Tucker's formula do you feel this is OK<<?? I'm also giving him fruit pellets in a small dish he chews on them but I don't know if he is eating them but he sure does love the taste.


Let's get those net people.............lol....

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If he was eating the formula consistantly and there was no diarhrea then I wouldn't add baby food to it. It's always best to stick to whatever brand of formula you've been using if there's been no problems. Not to worry about the pellets. At his age all he can do is nibble at them and maybe break off tiny bits but it's not unusual for him to not eat them. If he's messing around with the pelletsd now, I can guarantee you that when the time does come to eat, the pellets is something he'll go after which is good cause in general, pellets have a variety of vitamins in them. Have some very dark green hardish veggies around like broccali and thick string beans or sugar snap peas. make sure they're very plump and green. Try things out. You're doing well and if you ask about things people will pass on their things that they did. No one will abandon you here.


The internet just called back. They wanted me to tell you they apologise for giving you a hard time.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/11/21 02:11

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Ok I will stop the baby food. When I added it that's when he started to eat less so maybe that's why. I will keep giving him the pellets he does like the taste.


Do you feel at the age of 8 weeks it hurts him to perch<?? Now I'm worried about his legs <whats next?>.


I will try different veggies out.


Thanks Again Dave..


P.S. If the Internet people call ya back tell them I forgive them.............lol

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If he wants to go on that perch, that's also something nature is telling him to do. After all, he's a bird. To ease your mind, put a perch close to the bottom opf cage or whatever you now have him in. Maybe 4 inches from the bottom. Make sure it's stable and can't fall or collapse. Have some soft material around the bottom such as an old towel. If he falls, he'll be more surprised than hurt and will more than likely soon try it again in order to do what he's made to do.

PS--Greys are persistant<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/11/21 02:54

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Hello Tracie and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Tucker.


Well it looks like Dave has already provided you with some excellent advice and if anyone here is knowledgeable enough it is Dave, he won't steer you wrong.


You will also find lots of useful information in our many threads and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Do you have any pictures of Tucker you would share with us, we would love to see him and we have an other birds room where you can put some of Sarge too.

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Welcome Tracie,


It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more as your new baby grey progresses and seeing come photos of him. :-)


Dave is our Breeder extraordinaire with many decades of experience. He always has the best and correct answers.

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Welcome to the Forum Tracie and congratulations on your new baby grey!


Dave has given excellent advice! If anyone can help, Dave is the Man!


Make sure you check out the Nursery room in the Forum. This will give you plenty of advice to help you with any questions about your new baby.


I see you have bird experience so a lot of this isnt new to you anyway.


Cant wait to see some photos and hear some more about you both.



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