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My new baby


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Hello to you all!

I have just been to see a bird today. His name is Rocky. He doesn't have papers, but he was a real sport and straight away came to me. The owner was quiet amazed, as he is normally a very shy bird. He stepped up, he went to my shoulder, he gave me kissies and lovebites. I obviously straight away fell in love and put the deposit down on him. I unfortunately cannot pick him up before January as i am leaving the country for 2 weeks at Xmas and it wont be fair on the bird. So now it is just a waiting game for me... Eager to get my baby, but cannot snuggle him for an another month and a half! This is a real killer! So please if you have any advice you want to share with a first time mum, feel free to do so!

Btw he is already 5 years old.





Post edited by: Empress, at: 2008/11/20 22:39


Post edited by: Empress, at: 2008/11/20 22:43


Post edited by: Empress, at: 2008/11/20 22:48<br><br>Post edited by: Empress, at: 2008/11/20 23:09

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I can hear your excitement and this day has been a long time coming, I remember when you posted earlier this year about wanting a grey and your bf didn't want you to have one. Well you made the best decision and now you have made a deposit on a grey and I couldn't be happier.


Now comes the hard part, waiting for that day you finally can bring Rocky home, it will seem like forever but trust me it will be soon and then we want to hear all about him.


He looks like a nice chap sitting on that perch, you must be so proud of him, thanks for sharing a pic with us.

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He doesn't have papers, but he was a real sport and straight away came to me.


What do you mean by 'papers'?


Congrats on getting your new baby!! I'd probably cancel my trip just to bring him home earlier...lol. But then again, I'm NOT a traveler what-so-ever. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you when you get back...and you'll be nice and rested :)

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He's beautiful He's going tp bring you tons of joy. Sounds like he picked you to be his new mom right from the moment he met you this is a great sign. Tyco did the same thing with me. that was just over a year ago. i couldn't pet her or step her up for awhile after I brought her home but now she is the best bird. she cuddle and loves scritches she steps up when ever i ask her too. i'm so glad I got her. I'm sure your going to feel the same way also.

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Thank you all for your kind words! I wish i wouldnt have xmas booked, but than again, i will be with my family for the first time in 5 years for xmas, so it will be good! Trust me, i cannot wait till the trip is over and i will be able to get him home and start a new healthy diet, good training and loads of love and cuddling with him. I want to ask the owner to take him to a wet beforehand though, just in case and for him to have some kind of paperwork that can be transferred over to me. (btw i mean he has no paperwork period. I am not even sure he is a boy...) I hope i will be able to go and see him again before that, but that is up to the owner. He seemed quiet nice though, and the only reason he is getting rid of him is that he has a new human baby and Rocky is fast learning baby cries lol and that he has not enough time to spend with him no more! Anyhow, if you have any further comments i am more than happy to read them! :))))

Very Happy Mum! :)


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I have no Paper work for Charlie and it did worry me a bit at first He turned out to be fantastic . He was I was told 7 months when I got him but who knows.I would not worry too much about it. It would be a good idea to have him checked by the vet,for your piece of mind.

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I am glad that you are getting your grey, xmas may seems far but it goes pass quick and then you are together. I suppose they grey also cant wait to go to his new Mommy. It seems to be a girl grey as i can see on the picture but dont let it put you off still called it Rocky as s/he is used to that name. Congrats!:)

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I am glad that you are getting your grey, xmas may seems far but it goes pass quick and then you are together. I suppose they grey also cant wait to go to his new Mommy. It seems to be a girl grey as i can see on the picture but dont let it put you off still called it Rocky as s/he is used to that name. Congrats!:)

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Hi, Kinga,


I'm in the same boat you're in with waiting for waiting for your baby to come home. My baby, Spencer, will be able to come home next week (Thanksgiving), but Dotty and I are going to Wisconsin Dec 22, and coming home Jan 7. Like you, I decided to keep him where he is until we come home. I couldn't see bringing him home for less than a month, having go to another strange place, then back here in a few weeks.


It seems like it will be 10 years before he'll be here :(


We just have to hang in there!



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