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Hello everyone, I've been reading the forum for quite sometime but just joined today. I am the proud mom to a caique (2yrs.) , a cockatiel (3 yrs.), and a Timneh grey (14 months). My husband and I have had all since they were weaned. We would love to add one more to our flock sometime...most likely another grey, maybe a Congo. We just love these wonderful intelligent birds. You all are so knowledgable and have such good advice, I am looking forward to participating with you all.

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Hello Bea and welcome to the family, so glad you have finally joined us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your flock.


How wonderful you want to add another grey to your flock, yes a Cag would be a nice addition, I have a Cag myself and we do have a lot of members who have both but one thing is for certain, we all love them equally and dearly.


As you already know we do have lots of useful information in our many threads so continue to read them and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of your grey you would like to share with us we would love to see them and we have an other birds room where you can share some of them if you like.

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Hey Bea, welcome aboard. Sounds like you and your hubby have a pretty grand flock. Can't wait to see some pictures and hear some of the stories you have to tell about your fids. With all your avian experience are you considering rehoming another grey or do you have a breeder in mind? We are certainly glad you could join us.

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Thank you all for your warm welcomes! As a matter of fact, I just saw, that there is an 8 year old Congo at an animal shelter, not bird rescue, about an hour away...Nothing else is known about him. I might go visit Saturday to see him. Supposedly an allergy forced them to take him to a shelter. They said the people bought him from a pet store. What do you all think? A rescue would be great for me...

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Yes it would if you realize that rescues sometimes come with baggage but most of them make excellent pets, be sure to read the threads in the rescue room, you will find lots of helpful information and some of our members have taken in rescues and had much success with them.


Thanks so much for considering this option.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, no I didn't adopt the Congo, he was taken before I was able to visit him. But? I do have another I am looking at...this bird is about 1 1/2, doesn't seem to like my hands which is understandable, doesn't seem to know how to step up, squawks alot when movement is around, but? I feel a connection and urge to work with him! The breeder is not going to breed anymore, just had this bird left, she said he seemed to be comfortable around me considering he wasn't around others that were interested in him. Not sure what to do...I would rather rescue or give an adult home, but never took in an older bird and worried about bonding..I know I would love to bond with him! But? Not sure what he thinks! He kept running up my arm to my shoulder which I know is a no-no, but he wouldn't let me take him down without trying to bite...however, he did let me kiss his soft belly while up there preening my eyebrow...argh! What do you all think? She is asking 600 but I know price isn't everything...thank you..

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Hello bea,


The interaction you describe for a first meeting is pretty promising. Just the fact that he felt comfortable enough to climb on board and scurry up you r arm to should and allow a little snuggling is great.


You can easily stop the run up by using your other hand to block the path up and keep him down on your arm/hand which will become a normal and trusted place by him.


The most important thing to do is to use your gut feeling and the way the two of you interact dynamically when close to one another. He is obviously not fearful of you at all. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more from you and also others members here that will pitch in with their comments.

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Update! I think I have decided to add this grey to my little flock...I will call the breeder tomorrow...One more question for you all, is it true that if you are male, then a female grey is best, if you are male, then a female is more apt to bond with you? My Timneh is a male and bonded to me...this little Congo isn't DNA'd as of yet...possibly a female...How many of you are the opposite of your grey?

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I am female and my grey Josey is DNA'd a female and she is bonded to me, I don't put much faith in that belief that only males bond with females and vice versa.


Congrats on your decision to add this grey to your flock, it sounds like there is a connection already and with our help I am sure you will be able to make this grey a fine addition to your family.

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I'm excited for you to be giving this grey a second chance! If you have already handled him it is a great sign that you can make a connection.

I don't think the whole male/female thing makes much difference. Some greys do prefer one over another but it just depends on the bird and the person. Do you have a name yet for the new addition?

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