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How much does your grey weigh?


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  • 1 month later...

Great thread! This is the first time I saw it and it makes me feel a lot better about Ecko's(CAG) weight. When we got him he was 467 grams at 8 weeks old. Once he started flying he dropped all the way down to 410 grams(not all at one but within weeks), I freaked out! I didn't think that was normal until the vet told me it was. He is now weaned and 16 weeks old and weighs around 430 grams. So its good to see all these greys ranging in different ages and different weights. :P

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Whisper is a CAG. 18 months old. She is petite and weighs 385. The vet felt of of her breastbone and said it feels perfect. I found there can be a large difference between scales also. The one at the pet store weighed a lot heavier than the vets.

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ZZero is a massive 430!! lol hes just a little guy you are right about the scales even mine I wieghed 3 times in a row and once was 100g difference still not sure why. I about freaked out when it said 545g I knew it was definatly wrong.

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"Borrowed" some digital scales from my folks(hoping they'll forget they lent them to me heehee). Cleo at 5 months minus one day weighs 510 grams. I always thought she was quite a hefty bird and thought she'd weigh more.


It was good reading over the previous posts to get an idea of what others weigh, and how to check for obesity. I can feel her keel bone, but its not visible. It feels like she's got a good amount of muscle on her chest too.


She's on a pellet diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, as well as whatever she can steal off my plate, and a treat of seeds once a week. She's got a big appetite, right from the day I got her. Cleo also has really big feet, but I don't know if that's an indication of future size? At what age do CAG's stop growing?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was just looking for some information on Grey weights and found this great thread;)

I recieved an information pack this morning from Harrison's and it says that a grey should weigh about 554gms.

So i weighed Rocky and he is 449gms, as you can imagine panic overcame me lol.

But after reading this thread i feel he is a good weight. Thanks GuysB)

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  • 2 years later...

My CAG is 7 months old. His name is Da Vinci. He is about 16 - 17 inches and 540 grams. Give or take...


The breeder we bought him from says he cant believe how big he has gotten.


Not the greatest pic but hes in his dont stop moving time of day, lol.


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I just took my female CAG for her one year wellness check. She was just under 400 grams. She is small, but the vet said she is in great health. She has gained 50 grams since I brought her home from the breeders. Harrisons sends out info saying that CAGs should weigh 554 grams??? That's a bit on the precise specific side. Wonder where they got that number. That is more than most of the CAGs here. Seems odd for a reputable company to put out such misleading info. Most websites give an average range of of 400-600 grams, but a CAG in the upper 300s (375+) is still normal. As others have said, there is a big range and it's not necessarily the weight that is an issue, but weight loss.

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My CAG is 7 months old. His name is Da Vinci. He is about 16 - 17 inches and 540 grams. Give or take...


The breeder we bought him from says he cant believe how big he has gotten.


Not the greatest pic but hes in his dont stop moving time of day, lol.


Hi, was this photo taken just before feeding or a while after feeding? The reason I ask is because his crop is empty...Is it always like that?

Thanks, Jayd [Maggie for Jayd]

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