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Is this normal?


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Hello everyone, I have a question, has anyone's grey ever stopped making noises and talking just because they had their wings and nails trimmed? My little Timneh had his wings clipped and nails trimmed a couple weeks ago, he has hardly made any noise since. No talking either. He was just fine before I took him. He eats very well, plays, and has good poops. Not sure whether to take him in to be checked out or what. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Also, he seems to preen alot and I have found various feathers in his cage. He is 14 months old, his head and back seemed to have molted within the last couple months but these feathers seemed to come from the chest or tail area. Do they molt starting in one area and gradually molt in other areas? Thank you for reading my post...I'll wait for your reply...Also, just yesterday, I did hear him say a couple little words such as peekaboo, a couple of squeals too. So hopefully he might be coming out of this?

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If he hasn't been to see an avian vet for a while it might be a good idea to have him checked out just to be on the safe side.


All greys are individuals so yes clipping and trimming the nails might have affected him to stop vocalizing but if he is eating and drinking and otherwise fine then I wouldn't worry too much about it.


Do you give him regular baths? Greys benefit from at least 2 or 3 good soakings a week especially in the wintertime when the air in the house is drier from the heat. Also a good soaking with aloe vera juice is soothing for them and helps make the skin more supple, he might be itchy from the dryness.


Now why don't you make an introduction post in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and your grey, like what is his name?

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Thank you Judygram, I will post in the introduction section, thank you also for your reply. He does seem fine in every other way except for vocalizing but I do think I will have him checked. Also, I do bath him regularly, but I am interested in getting some of the Aloe vera juice, what kind/brand or what form does it come in and where do I purchase it? Thanks again!

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I don't know where you are from but if in the USA you can purchase the juice at Walmart in the pharmacy section, its 100% pure aloe vera juice and is harmless but does help the skin and feathers to be softer and more supple. You can use it straight from the bottle, no dilution is necessary.


Its always a good idea to have them vet checked if you are having an issue and they haven't been in a while, costs money but peace of mind is priceless.

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Hi Bea, what is your Tag's name? From what you have said it sounds like your fid is just a little PO'd about the clipping and trimming. Just dose him with some refreshing Aloe Vera juice and offer him a special treat and see if he will forgive you sooner. And most certainly, welcome to the family.

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Luvparrots - yes, I was thinking that it might've made him a little mad too ;) But wasn't sure if he'd hold a grudge for 2 weeks...hmmm. Like I'd said, everything else seems fine and he eats like crazy. Where do you all get the aloe vera juice? I do think he has itchy skin because of our dry air...thanks!

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Oh shoot, thanks judygram for letting me know about the aloe vera juice, (I didn't see that post when I just wrote the other one!) I am heading out to walmart this afternoon. And yes, I have gone bird-nutty!

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Casper, thanks for asking about my Timneh "Otis"...He is saying a little more every day, maybe not as often, but last night? He ran down the list of just about everything he knows how to say! He is still eating like a little pig as well as playing normally...Thank goodness, I sure hope he was just "traumatized" these past 2 silent weeks from that trimming...Maybe it also had to do with the fact that we drove an hour up and back from the breeder to have it done, which we don't usually do, lots of different people handled him, etc. Maybe it really affected him? Who knows...But? Things seem to be going well at the moment, any changes I'll have him checked out, we are currently in the middle of a snowstorm so I'm glad we didn't have to go out today..Thanks again for your kindness!

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Thats great news Bea on Otis!!


It does sound like a new and perhaps overwhelming trip for him and I assume probably his first such fairly long outting. They do get "Strange" after events that affected them and they are processing all that. Almost like a woman that has become miffed over something. ;-) Then remains silent for days. :-)

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Good to hear that Otis has found his voice again. Feather, nail and beak trimming can be quite an experience, particularly the first time. If this was the first time Otis' additional preening was probably his way of checking out what happened to his feathers. Greys are very sensitive birds and are suspicious of anything new, although I've read that Timnehs are less so. My grey, Pippin - he's two, has been known to pout for hours or days if my husband or I give him a spray bath. He hate's it but it has to be done for his own good.

They are all individual and have amazing personalities. I think Dan had the right of it with the miffed woman analogy, as much as I hate to admit it.

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