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Advice on baby grey


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I am new to this board and owning a grey and looking for some re-assurance. My Mitchell is 9 months old and probably going through his first molt according to some of the info I read on this site. He chewed his pretty red tail off about 2 months ago. Now he's picking a lot of down feathers out. I'm slowly trying to get him accustomed to baths without tramatising him. How long do molts typically take. Will his tail feathers grow back? It's so hard not to worry when you see him pull a clump of down feathers. He's also very clingy and gets irritable at times. He'll beg to sit with me and fly off his perch when I put him back. Trying not to spoil him, but don't want to neglect him either if he's trying to tell me something.


Have any of you gone through this? Will it pass or should I go for a vet visit? Thanks for the info!!

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Welcome to the board! Every bird has a different personality, some are clingy and others not. It's also something he'll likely outgrow as he ages, but being irritable is just part of being a parrot. They have their moods just like the rest of us.


Has Mitchell been for his first avian vet visit? If he hasn't, I highly recommend you take him for an exam with bloodwork. That's the only way to know what's going on physically with your bird.


Just so we're all on the same page. When you say he's picking a lot of down feathers out, do you mean he's creating a bald spot, or just cleaning up the lose ones? If I remember correctly, I think I've read from other members that the young ones will sometimes chew off their tail feathers, but it's something they typically outgrow. I'm sure someone else here can confirm that.


Why don't you post a few pictures of Mitchell, so that we can get to know him? You can also tell us more about yourself and your grey in the welcome room.

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Hi Kaedyn,


Thanks for the response. I took Mitch to the avian vet about 2 weeks after I got him. That was back in June. We only did the basic test (Gram stain, etc) but not the full bloodwork. The vet said he looked good and I put him on a healthier diet based on the Dr's recommondation. He's not given much seed at all, only pumpkin seeds and whatever is in his treats. I give him lots of dried fruits, veggies, and pellet mix.


He seems to sometimes pick small "clumps" of down around his neck, but it's not bald. His back is a little ratty looking and he has no tail right now. Poor thing....he has a stump. There are no bald spots at all on him.


I will get some pictures together to post. I just got a new computer and still have to transfer everything.


Thanks again!!

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